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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Local spelling competition: Judge: next word, "there" Contestant: Sentence please Judge: "They're going to build their house over there"
  2. I had a similar issue on a long run recently in that whenever I stopped at junctions etc, if I didn't keep the revs up, she would stall. I adjusted the idle / throttle stop clockwise about 1/8 turn and touch wood she's been fine since. Having said that, the other guys on here know a lot more than me!! Is the petrol cap clean and letting the tank breathe? If there's a vacuum it can hinder fuel getting through.
  3. Hi Graham greetings! Where abouts in Herts are you? I'm just over the border in Cambs with an old SR125. I'm no mechanic (see my posts in the workshop!) but if you're close enough I have some tools we could figure out some issues....... with a little help from the more experienced on here!
  4. Yeah - well done for not getting caught with a helmet full of drugs!
  5. Well done Tommy - I was 13 over (should have been 12 over but thought I'd look like a perv!). Hope to see a pic of your new helmet soon
  6. Did she go down as quick as the helicopter???
  7. Lol! Like I said I saw a crashed helicopter and thought of you!!
  8. Not sure if I was thinking spares or mankini!!
  9. Only just seen this! No need mate - I know you're messing!
  10. Sorry Foams - what can I say? Found a pic of a crashed helicopter and couldn't help myself!!
  11. Have fun mate - looking forward to more videos of your handlebars!
  12. For the sake of a few drops of 3 in 1 I think I'll do it when I oil the chain!
  13. To quote big Kev - "Fuck me up the arse" that's an expensive set of earphones! Think I'll pass for now.
  14. I don't think I've got every single song on my phone - I've only got 14 and a half hours and some songs are repeated!! I must make time to convert all my oth CDs to MP3 at some point. Don't want to run out of tunes!
  15. Now that's the sort of practical joke I'd enjoy!
  16. I'll check it out cheers mate but I think I'll just use earphones!
  17. Playlist? Surely people don't have anything other than Elvis??!
  18. Just seen this on eBay. http://bit.ly/15InVbm
  19. Lol! I think the leopard skin seat is a bit too far!
  20. Made me laugh - my wife is always on and off a diet of some description!
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