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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. AndrewElvisFan replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Video Section
    Looks like the car just didn't look at any point. On approach to a lane joining the carriageway there is no excuse for not seeing you. Indicating or not he was to the side of you and if he had been concentrating while swapping lanes he would have got well in front before swinging over. I had been driving about 2 months when I had a van start to undertake me as I was pulling back over after overtaking. Technically his fault but I failed to double check all mirrors etc. Glad nothing serious happened and hats off to you for keeping your cool. No sense in escalating anything for the sake of making a point.
  2. Tbh I wouldn't turn either down - the 07 looks like a more comfortable ride though. Both on my wish list - but then again so are Anna Silk and Holly Valance and that's not happening either - except from the comfort of my arm chair!!
  3. Yeah - payday coming up!
  4. She just won't start again without a while heap of grief! Just been searching through old forums re SR125 starting issues........ seems a few on here lol. It appears charging the battery by idling is not best for the engine. Also seems to be a lot of CDI issues that have been brought up. I haven't checked the valves yet so that's next on my list! I turned my hearing aid right up and couldn't hear a difference in engine tone until 1/4 turn away from all the way in lol.
  5. The screw is on the engine side. When seated in she stumbles and stalls but doesn't seem to make a difference screwing it out from the original settings. I can't remember if I mentioned that yesterday the only way I could keep it running was by having the idle screw almost all the way in so high revs but now she is very happy until I stop the engine!
  6. Indeed it was!
  7. Charging the battery ATM by way of leaving it running. When I get hold of a multimeter I'll check whether its accepting a proper charge or not. Cheers mate
  8. Ok. Need to borrow one then - I leant mine out ages ago and can't even remember who to! I know someone who'll have one but has to wait til tomorrow now.
  9. Cheers Jimmy. I've cleaned the plug back up now so straight after lunch I'll try that before sourcing a new CDI. No rush today as wife at work again and can't leave the kids - even tied up its frowned upon!
  10. She was pleasantly surprised at how clean the sink was though. And by pleasantly surprised I mean shocked!
  11. On a lesser note although I did get her running this morning and ticking over, when I went to check the pilot screw,which is set to 2 turns out, I thought in my novicity (is that a word?) that final setting needed it turning quarter of a turn either way and seeing if the idle speed altered? Should I be concerned that even 3/4 turn either way made very little difference? Could this be the reason for her not firing up? The spark plug is showing sooty deposits - too rich or just that I haven't actually ridden her and been idling fast? She does now bump on 2nd or 3rd attempt in 2nd. occasionally I have noticed the starter motor doesn't kick in and I hear the relay clicking on. TDC is actually TDC according to the marker btw so not suspecting timing. Working through the list a methodically as I can. Is the CDI the next to cross off? Is there any way of checking it or is it a case of stick a new one on and see? Sorry for being long winded, just trying to pre empt any questions and give as much info as I can!
  12. Almost got away with it but she smelled the carb cleaner and I left the oil can on the side lol
  13. Welcome! Someone else who has an other half with an active interest!!
  14. Top tip here - Bar Keepers Friend. 5 minutes to bring the sink up to sparkly like new shine. Big kudos to be expected. There'll be no cock removing tonight lol
  15. Just tried it now and wouldn't start. The battery only had half hour charge and is now not turning over quick enough. I'm too cold, wet and hungry to carry on now so best clean the sink! I'll jump it in the morning from the car with a little prayer :/
  16. Fingers crossed!! Boys have only just gone to sleep but will attempt to start in a short while just to make sure it wasn't a fluke!
  17. Anybody got any ideas how to clean oil, petrol, grime and carb cleaner from the kitchen sink before SWMBO gets home? lol
  18. Couldn't find a fuel filter by the way - I unscrewed the bottom of the petcock and the bowl was clean though.
  19. Thanks everyone for your help. Carb stripped, cleaned (albeit not sonic) put back on, all original settings etc. took a little bit of persuasion but fired up and I was able to set the idle properly too! Don't want to speak to soon but I think it's done!!
  20. Cheers Numan! Love the idiot proof guide. Off to Halfords now!!
  21. I was thinking more like Fanuary - the ladies version of Movember!!
  22. Do you mean the air filter? Unable to start it this morning so taken a sickie! I've not stripped a carb for 20 years and then it was a tiny double diaphragm strimmer jobbie! I'm going to try and find something on you tube that will hopefully help.
  23. Hi lee and welcome! 4? Did you not have a TV in your room lol. My 2 are more than enough for me!