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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. https://www.facebook.com/kevin.dumbrill.7/posts/10152254038008654
  2. The reason mine failed cos I didn't oil it! Lesson learned for me!
  3. I'd love to but my spare time of recent weeks has been spent doing bits to the bike and being ill and really need to spend some time with the family this week!
  4. With your new bike I'm sure there'll be more on the way!
  5. It's over my house! Even taken the thermal liner out of my jacket.
  6. Looked to me like the people carrier pulled out without looking
  7. Finally I can update this thread! Busy with a file and a large steel penny washer last night and made myself a speedo drive washer thing after 6 months of searching the web. Just fitted it and the speedo works a treat. 2 lugs sticking out hold it in place in the hub, 2 more lugs sticking up turn the speedo drive unit. 3 hours work, scowls from the missus but cost me nothing!
  8. Ever since I had the chain break on me I have been checking for leaks etc. didnt cross my mind that the bearings woul have been shot! Even jacked the car up the other day to check for wobble on that - though I'd like to think I'd feel if they were failing!
  9. 4x as fast?? That would be ok if I was in a country where I could only ride for only 3 months of the year!
  10. Lol. If it were just the wife and me I'd share your view but its been a couple of years since we've taken the boys away anywhere. Besides, it may be small but I do have fun with it!!
  11. Definitely preferable but the £600 for the test could pay for a cheap holiday!
  12. I'm slowly getting the hang of what to check for. Aggressive riding doesn't really come into it in my case though!
  13. I'm going from Cambridge - more than happy to meet up en route if you don't mind A roads. I'll probably make my own way through Doncaster though so as not to hold others up.
  14. Sorry guys - forgot to post the results. As Airhead said - Here's to another 12 months!
  15. Just wanted to say happy Mothering Sunday to any mums on here!
  16. Hi Howard. Battery probably does need a charge, but from my limited experience, it's most likely to be in need of a good carb clean. How clean is the air filter? You are likely to get more response from other members though who know a lot more than me if you post an intro telling us a little about yourself, then posting a question in the workshop area.
  17. Fingers crossed for you bud. I think you've asked all the right questions!
  18. About 12 yrs ago I had an SP30 for doing about 83 on m'way and then a yr later had an SP60 for doing about 83 on m'way. From memory an SP30 is for excessive speed, an SP60 is for an undefined speed related offence. I'm sure someone on here will google this or perhaps Jimmy could put me right? For the record I religiously use cruise control set at 1 mph under the limit. My mpg has increased by about 20% because of it! Also, ditto what Up.yours said
  19. Haha! No in my Primera 2.2 - got a little more poke than the SR!
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