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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. I think that's too rich. I think somewhere in my thread I put how far to unscrew the air screw
  2. Have a read through this. It may help. You'll see from it I am no mechanic!!
  3. So when it's cold it's ok (other than having to bump)? Is the air filter clean? What does the plug look like after being run?
  4. My SR would be a sod to restart after stopping for a few minutes when the engine was warm. Sorted itself after I cleaned the carb etc. sounds like there may be more than one problem?
  5. Wish I knew to recognise that before my MOT earlier this year!
  6. What is happening when you press the button? Does the starter turn? After you've bumped her and she won't start again, does it make any difference using the choke? How did you clean the carb? Were all holes clear? Did you reset the screws correctly? When you bump her, does she idle right and does the throttle respond? Try using the search function on here - I had a similar problem and you may find the answers! If not give us all a little more info as to what has and is happening. There are a few of us on here (most with more knowledge than me!) with SR's and someone may be able to help
  7. Welcome to the forum! It's normal to say hi in the new members section first - introduce yourself etc - you'll get a lot more help! That said, probably needs a new battery.
  8. Damn auto correct - sexy as hell!
  9. If you're in a car, windows up, cd on, insulated from the outside world you don't hear a bike if it's behind you. So I dint think it's safer. I do think however a nice throaty bass sound if a cruiser sounds a sexy as he'll!
  10. Just because some of us happen to believe that it is unsafe for a 17 year old who has all of 2 weeks training to pass a test (not learning how to ride, perceive hazards, read the road etc) to jump onto a bike capable of speeds in excess of 130mph, does not mean we are in favour of governments telling us what we can and can't do. As with Jimmy, the only accident or near misses that I have has that were my fault (car or bike) were due to inexperience. Extra horsepower would not have helped me. After 20 years of driving, observations and driving defensively are what make me a safe driver. Driving angry and impatiently and at high speed without concentrating cause accidents. Not using mirrors, not reading the road ahead, not predicting other road users intentions. If you need hp to get you out of trouble then I would assume that most cases you could have done something prior to this to avoid a near miss. This may make me sound like an old fart but I now assume that every other road user is either incompetent or an under cover copper. If extra hp really is safer, why aren't all bikes and cars built with minimum hp/weight ratio? As with anything in life if you are using something which has potential to kill you or someone else then you should be of a sufficient standard before using it. Although I have no licence I am able to fly a small aircraft and have over 50 hours experience. If ever I were to obtain a licence I would not be allowed to fly night time or reduced visibility until I pass the next stage using instrument only navigation. At work I am able to drive a reach fork truck but am not allowed (and rightly so as I have had no training) to use a side loader. I could insert all sorts of statistics here to demonstrate how new drivers/riders are most likely to be involved in accidents but I'm hoping deep down you know this already?
  11. Tbh after 2 hot days in the same socks I thought that was my feet!!
  12. Is there any point in anyone else entering now???!
  13. Exactly why I said hold on to it lol Route wise - liking yours DT. Is there a route you know of after the A60 which bypasses Doncaster?
  14. AndrewElvisFan

    New toy!

    So....... do you use snapchat?!?
  15. AndrewElvisFan

    New toy!

    You love it really!!
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