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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Like Bippo I don't normally get drawn into these discussions. Everyone has their own opinions. The facts are relatively simple here though. The biker was speeding. The biker was overtaking just before a junction, using chevrons. The car driver did not observe correctly before committing to his manoeuvre. I believe that the biker would still be alive today had he not had been riding recklessly. He would have been behind the other car and would probably have had opportunity to avoid the collision. The number of times I have nearly been taken out because of other road users lack of concentration is scary and I know that had I been going faster I'd be on Tarmac. Like most people I do not always adhere to speed limits but, there are places which I refuse to - approach to junctions is just one of them. On this particular bit of road you have 2 junctions which means you have at least 3 chances of someone pulling out on you plus the possibility of someone having to stop if the exit was blocked. So - in my opinion - the biker died because he was speeding and was not riding to the conditions of the road and the collision was caused because the car driver did not double check the route was clear before turning.
  2. Might just give it a go. I'd heard of it before, just assumed it needed a different timing for it to work properly.
  3. Wtf! Just tried it again and - https://vimeo.com/106061577
  4. Now the indicator is very weak. https://vimeo.com/106060803
  5. 5 minutes after I had no spark I tried it again and she was working again?!?
  6. Went to clean the carb and all is clean already New spark plug in and fresh fuel, started first time!! But have discovered the intermittent ignition issue. The HT lead has an inline spark indicator which is confirming that there was no power going through. Any idea what to swap out first? I was thinking the coil first as the first option but given that the problem does not show perhaps for a week at a time, is there any test I can do?
  7. I don't think Tapatalk is available for iPad so photobucket is your best option. Copy the URL and paste into your thread.
  8. I normally use premium as I find it about 10% more efficient. BP is my preferred for both my car and bike. I find the fuel from places like Asda not as friendly.
  9. Shit mate - feel your pain! Do you not feel hot water is over rated???
  10. Have you access to a car to jump it? With the car not running?
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