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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. I bought a magnetic one for the tank. Works fine, have put a longer cord on it just in case the magnets fail. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151835923803 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. AndrewElvisFan replied to dartman5's post in a topic in The Bar
    Just one more thing - there is a workshop area for workshop type queries....... and a New Members section for New Members. Youll get a lot more help if you introduce yourself first!
  3. AndrewElvisFan replied to dartman5's post in a topic in The Bar
    I'd put money on it being the cam chain tensioner needs adjusting or the chain replaced. Occasional tick over lumps.... cold engine? Probably would help to strip the carb down and give it a clean etc. YouTube is brilliant for simple tasks like that, if you feel comfortable after watching someone else do it that is! Lumpy throttle occurred with mine when the air filter was blocked. I cleaned the carb at the same time though so not sure which was the culprit. Including boiling the carb clean (can't afford a sonic cleaner) took me a couple of hours. But, as cynic said if you don't know what each end of a spanner is for, will take much longer and could lead to expensive bills. Search YouTube! this appears to be a pretty good one - slider carb same as the SR. It is easy to do, just take pics at every disassembly stage so you know everything is going back right!
  4. AndrewElvisFan replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in The Bar
    I formed an anti social support group in November - still haven't had our first meeting!!
  5. AndrewElvisFan replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in The Bar
    Happy New Year guys! Thanks for your concern. As Drewps said I've had a couple of health issues - nothing too serious and I am well on the road back to 'normal'. I'm still racing the turbo charged SR around Essex and loving every inch of Tarmac! I will be making more of an effort to come on here as I have really missed the banter .... although if Bippo has been absent as well, don't supposed I've missed much Anyways hope you all had a good time over the festive season and I'll be back on soon. Sniff must have posted a good few funnies so I'll be paying the what made me laugh today a visit! Keep it rubber side down guys! Now there's a thought! What's that you say Numan - too busy? Damn shame that.... just you and me then Bipps?!?
  6. AndrewElvisFan replied to slice's post in a topic in Yamabyss
  7. Welcome to the YOC. Firstly, you will probably get more responses if you introduce yourself in the new members section. We get a lot of one hit wonders here with quick what's wrong with my bike questions who then can't be bothered to even say cheers! What bike is it? How old is the battery? Even if it has been charged, if it is a knackered battery, it will still be knackered! As Kev said, check the terminals of the battery first, then check any earthing wires for good connection. If there are no loose wires, get the battery checked as this is likely to be the problem. Did you fit the new HT leads?
  8. Update: Since coming back from Squires I've spent a couple of hours tinkering and swapping (or as SWMBO phrases it "every 'kin moment p*ssing about getting dirty"). The CDI unit is definitely the faulty part. Swapped into the good bike and confirmed the intermittent problem is re creating itself there. £45 later on eBay and has arrived yesterday morning. Works a treat so one step further to its MOT. I need to sort the seat cover, get a new battery and spark plug. Already filled the exhaust hole. Everything I borrowed to keep the other one on the road this last year is now back on / replaced. No, I haven't polished it! Only thing holding this back now is lack of funds for MOT, battery and seat cover. Pay day a couple of weeks off and the car needs its MOT next month. But, chuffed to bits I've got her running!
  9. AndrewElvisFan replied to venegeance111's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I don't know the answer to that in afraid but there are plenty of DT owners on here who will. Just say hi in the new members section and introduce yourself and you'll get a wealth of experience happy to help.
  10. AndrewElvisFan replied to Grouch's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Cheers slice. I'll bank that for next time - got the tube out and noticed the size was too big. Where I got the new tyre and tube fitted have agreed to fit a new tube foc tomorrow so I don't need to break a sweat!
  11. AndrewElvisFan replied to Grouch's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Glad you've managed to remove your wheel! I was a little concerned when I read that lol now I'm hijacking your thread... in the absence of proper tyre lube, and salt content in fairy what is a good substitute?
  12. £31 in fuel, approx 32 litres or 7.2 gallons for 625 miles. Average 86 mpg!!!!
  13. just got home! Took a detour to walk some of the Derwent res/dam and then into Chesterfield to see my uncles. 625 miles all in. I'll post fuel figures later when I've had a shower and enjoyed my bed! Only thing missing was eye candy Bippo! Great weekend all in. Still smiling! Only downer is that I had to stop a couple of times to pump my tyre up.
  14. only prize is a surprize! my speedo is less than 2% out :)
  15. Quick quiz then. What is the top speed of a 21 year old SR125, after 50,000 miles? Clue: I haven't stopped smiling since.
  16. cheers mate. See you shortly!
  17. Lovely name Lisa Marie is also nice if the Registry Office hasn't been sorted yet lol
  18. Long shot I know, but I don't suppose any of you guys who are coming along today happen to have a c spanner I could borrow? My rear end is a little sloppy and could do with tightening it up a bit.
  19. fingers crossed Scotland falls through then.... didn't know you were a swinger
  20. bugger it I'll go home then
  21. You not able to come then?
  22. And how long would that take us? We couldn't even decide on a t-shirt!
  23. Or mars bars! Have you heard of the short film '1priest 1 nun?'
  24. Erm...... What?
  25. Congratulations Meat! Missed this earlier this week. Truly great news, especially if Mother Nature has made you all wait. I take it then you'll be at Squires this weekend. Unless your son has something more important to do than look after your dog?!?