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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Yeah - I put it off, then got with a girl who hated bikes (doh!) now been with her 15 yrs, married for 10 and was allowed back on a proper bike almost 2 yrs ago! And no, she still does not understand the glee of flies arses over my helmet!!
  2. UK laws throughout whole of GB, usually ignored in Wales, Scotland and most northern parts!! [emoji23][emoji24]
  3. Hi again Benedictine! Is the SR still running?
  4. Glad you're ok after your first 'get off'. Chances are even with new tyres you'd have been off - mud on oil is like ice (or slime on a river bed!). Once the front wheel starts slipping there's a huge amount of luck involved as to where you go. As to replacement rubber the only advice I can give is go for the best quality you can afford. I've got Continentals on my SR - front cost me about £40, rear was about £60. Plus about £30 each if I hadn't fitted myself. Could have saved about £30 if I'd put cheap Chinese tyres on.
  5. Contaminates binding or maybe needs renewing?
  6. Fords in this country are better than they used to be! In 94 I had a Mk 4 Escort Ghia - didn't even have powered steering and even with it being front wheel drive the rear end was a little slidey.
  7. Ironically, coming the other way was a Mk 2 Escort - bright yellow, second thing to remind me of when I went rally driving!!
  8. Weathers been good down here too - lost count of the number of times I've had scraped fly guys off my visor and jacket [emoji57]
  9. Looking at the sides, it's normally about 12"! Lesson learnt [emoji15]
  10. Thought I'd go for a little ride out today - grea fun, twisty roads, loads of flies on my visor etc..... Turned down a road is not used before to discover a ford. It was shallow about 5 or 6" deep so I thought why not! Soon realised the answer should have been turn around - slowly in first gear, entered the water and then noticed all the slime and algae on the road. I've always fancied off roading and the like but going sideways on an SR is perhaps not the most sensible thing I've ever tried! I don't mind admitting I shat myself. Twice!
  11. Hi and welcome! Just try and stick to breaking the bike though?!
  12. Yeah - just waiting for my 9 yr old to bring it home!
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