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Everything posted by AndrewElvisFan

  1. Not quite:http://youtu.be/MMSebW5uPsQ
  2. I don't mind the cold, it's the snow I really dislike! Even getting wet through is not too bad - as long as it's on the way home and I can dry the clothes out before putting them back on!
  3. Hi - all are welcome here. We even have a few Scots amongst us!
  4. Well how's about we all start looking at weekends in August and the first weekend of September? I make that 6 weekends to choose from. Surely in 10 months we can agree on when not to have a meet?
  5. Just clutching at straws! No I'm not familiar with injection engines
  6. Going back to basics - is the spark plug gap correct? Could have been missed on pre delivery inspection. Why not video it when it's cold so they can see the issue.
  7. He says he has a grinder to remove the old, but hasn't said what type of chain he's bought.
  8. Yeah - just looked at mine in daylight and there's no way the chain would come off without removing the swing arm!
  9. I think it's a brilliant idea!! If nothing else it would break the ice.
  10. I could be wrong but I didn't think the swing arm needs to be removed on the sr250 for the wheel to come off . Adjusting the tension is via 2 adjusters: Make sure both sides are set to the same notch. Usually 20-30mm slack is needed on the chain but as DT says above do a YouTube search. I'm sure there'll be a vid on there somewhere. You'd also be well advised to get a manual for your bike.
  11. Don't feel bad - my SR125 won't wheelie either since putting an extra tooth on the sprocket!!
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