XJ6 Diversion F 2010 Qs :=)
Well, thank you very much!! It helped a lot, I'll google the forum and maybe I'll get wiser thanks again!
XJ6 Exhaust replacement
Hi, I really don't know much about bikes and how do fix stuff on them, but I to have a XJ6 Diversion F, but I'm truly unhappy with the sounds (or lack of it) on the bike.. Therefore, I've checked out several exhausts, aiming to get one that won't cause loss of HPs, also one I won't need a power commander for.. So far, this is what I have found.. Two Brothers VALE M2 http://www.twobros.com/cgi-bin/shopper?search=action&sku=005-25701&searchstart=0&template=Templates/TBRSearchResult-Simple-Yam-FZ6R-FULL-09.html youtube: GPR Deeptone http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-XJ6-XJ-6-Diversion-GPR-Deeptone-Exhaust-Full-System-New-/280776720057 Youtube: But I've also looked at Arrow, Ixil and Leovince, but the Two Brothers exhaust is, so far, my favorite! I know I didn't answer any of your questions, but maybe you can use some of it.. Good luck!
XJ6 Diversion F 2010 Qs :=)
Hi Guys, I'm the happy owner of a 2010 XJ6 Diversion F, got it last year, and came close to 10.000 miles on it. During my time with my bike I have come across some 'uncertainties', but hopefully you can help me out. I have google around to find answers, but the more I search the more in doubt I got, so I figured I'd ask you guys. 1) Since I'm looking for ways to make my XJ6, MY OWN, I have come to wonder... Is there a difference between the FZ6R and the XJ6, other than a few HPs.. If so, what are the diffences? and 2) Will I be able to fit a Two Brothers Exhaust V.A.L.E M2 005-2570107V-B Black series on my XJ6? (and will I need a PC). I know it fits on a FZ6R.. Thank you very much
Hi there YOC.. with XJ6 Q's
Alright, thank you very much! I will do that right away
Hi there YOC.. with XJ6 Q's
Hello everyone, I was searching online for a good Yamaha forum, and this was recommended several places, so I'm looking forward to many hours of reading in here As an Xj6 2010 owner, I do have some questions already, hopefully you can help me out. I have google around to find answers, but the more I search the more in doubt I got, so I figured I'd ask you guys. 1) Since I'm looking for ways to make my XJ6, MY OWN, I have come to wonder... Is there a difference between the FZ6R and the XJ6, other than difference in HPs.. If so, what are the diffences? 2) Will I be able to fit a Two Brothers Exhaust V.A.L.E M2 005-2570107V-B Black series on my XJ6? (and will I need a PC). No more questions so far, looking forward to speaking with all of you
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