Everything posted by obriens65
First day out on the road!
Well done on the CBT. Have fun and stay safe.
Finally Happened
Glad to hear you're not too badly hurt. Not surprised nobody stopped. I was taken off in June, again in rush hour, and not a single person (apart from the tit who knocked me off) stopped to help. Hope you get better quickly and I hope the police find the fuckpig and nail his testicles to a wall.
sunday drivers
Today, trying to overtake White Van Man, every time the road ahead was clear and straight I started the overtake and the arse put his foot down. Only managed to get past him when he came up on a slower moving car and couldn't accelerate. Why? Why do they feel the need to stop a motorbike doing what motorbikes do?
Hi all im new to this so please bear with me
Pass the Sudocrem...my own iron butt challenge on a bicycle
How Many Left
Apparently I have the only 1992 XV750 registered in the UK!!! Who knew?
New member
New member
New member
- gaiters
Yeah Baby
She's a real beauty.
budget motorcycling
I'm with Cynic on this. My youngest bike was 17 years old when I bought it, my oldest bike was 32 tears old. I didn't buy them because they were inexpensive I bought them because the made me grin when I saw them and grin even wider when I sat on them for the first time. Older bikes have character where the newer ones are just clones with different badges on. This is a picture of me the day I bought my current, 24 year old, XV750. Do I look like I bought it because it's cheap?
saying Hello
Im new. be gentle
New member
New member saying Hi
why motorcyclists should pray before their ride
Ho Lee Fuk I think he must have prayed to every God ever
Pass the Sudocrem...my own iron butt challenge on a bicycle
Done, and good luck
Summer wear
It's good to know some things never change. I wear textile jacket and trousers all year, just take the linings out if it's hot. And boots n gloves of course
New Member in Sheffield, UK
new member , London UK