Everything posted by Yamahdan
Liquid Image Impact 1080p Camera Goggles
Hi all, I had these goggles bought for me as a gift from the loving missus last year, she got them on a trip to Vegas for me... I hadn't even heard of them until then, but you can get them here (probably cheaper than she got them bless her)... http://www.liquidimageco.com/products/model-367-impact-series-hd1080p I have them in black, with the clear lens and tear off lenses. I would highly recommend these goggles to anyone to use for recording their daily ride for safety and insurance purposes, or for anyone who wants to take them out and abuse them... like I do... The picture and sound quality from them is amazing, as good as any Go-Pro video I've seen! But, what makes these better than the Go-Pro's in my opinion is the fact that they give a true "eye view" so what I see is what you see in the video, and theres no camera hanging off the top or side of your helmet waiting to be smashed to pieces when you whip past a tree or fall off and head plant!! The battery lasts ages and stays charged even when stored, I took mine out the other day after being left for a couple of months in the box and they still had 75% battery... I find them very easy to use, they only have two buttons and a little LCD screen inside accompanied by two LED's for the two different modes. They use a Micro-SD card so expanding the memory is easy... BUT, there are a couple of downers to this brilliant bit of kit... I am "of small stature" so I only have a small helmet and the goggles (due to the battery and processers hanging out of either side) are just a little too wide to sit "snugly" inside the helmet gap and onto my face like a standard set of goggles would... this doesn't bother me because they do seal against crap getting in but they just don't feel like a normal set of goggles.. if that makes sense Also the battery compartment, the door to the compartment pushes shut and then a slide lock keeps it in place,, this is fine but I have a habit that when I put the goggles on I always unlatch the door, which wont cause any trouble all the time the goggles are on, but as soon as you remove them the battery falls straight out, and if you didn't stop recording with the button, everything you had will now be lost.. including the battery because it is one of those things that just dissapears under the bike somewhere.. Apart from that as mentioned before I would highly recommend these to anybody, I will upload a video to YouTube to show you the quality of them soon... Thanks
2006 DT125RE Full Engine rebuild and general re-vamp - Slow Progress
Hi all, Just an update of where I am after six months of no posts on this thread... NOWHERE!!! No time or money for this bike, now got a sprog on the way so its looking worse for it! I have also taken on another DT which has eaten into my time massively when I didn't want it to, I'll get some pic's and get em on another thread soon.. I will be working on it before the baby comes so the next 6 months should be a bit more exciting for anyone whos interested... Thanks...
DEP Quickshifter anyone tried it?
Right, just so that I'm sure, your advising against it then? lol... Thanks for the reply...
DEP Quickshifter anyone tried it?
Yes I know about clutchless change, I've ridden all of my mx bikes like it and the DT was no different, just wondered how much difference this thing would make...
DEP Quickshifter anyone tried it?
Hi all, Have been looking around for a few bits to buy once the DT is built, seen and heard a lot about these but wondering if anyone has had first hand experience with them.. apparently it allows you to keep the throttle held open and change up through the gears.. I would like some more info because they're over £200 and if it don't work as promised then its a lot down the tube.. This is the only place I can find them: https://www.cisport.co.uk/Product-Detail_/pg%5Fbp%5Fcle%5Fdep/CDASC23B Thanks
Yz style seat on a DT?
We will see when the time comes, got a couple of more important things to do first.. like getting it running again lol.. Thanks for the reply..
Things you wish you'd known when you were starting out on a bike, and things you're glad you did
I wish I had known: Trees, no matter how hard you try, don't move much when you hit them... Things I wish I had done: Not hit an oak tree on my first kx65 after coming on the powerband on the exit of a corner, jumping out of the burm flying about 10 feet then smack... Apart from that I pretty much knew it all!
Yz style seat on a DT?
Thanks for the reply; I think I am going to need to put "more" foam on than I take off, because I want to basically raise the centre of the set up to make it give a nice line through the mudguard and tank, like the newer yz's do... Any advice for sticking the foam together, any special glues etc?
what parts of a yz/wr will fit a dtr 125 1996??
Basically there's not much that does, not easily anyway...
Yamaha DTR125 Not revving over 5
Is it spluttering or jerking around at all?
loss of power DTR
Check your jetting settings, bad pilot and/or needle jetting will cause a loss of power at low/medium revs...
dtr 125 clutch problems!!
Have you checked the oil level? not enough oil sitting for that long would make it stick together...
dt athena 170 still no spark
As already mentioned, check the kill switch, mine always gets stuck and I have to bang it on and off a few times, then the bike will start...
Yz style seat on a DT?
Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone had any idea of how I could make the seat on my DT more like a YZ seat I.e. a flat seat rather than dipped in the middle..I just want to see how it looks, probably won't look right but has to be done now I've got it in my head... Thanks
photos of my dt125 re 2007
That pipe is part of the EGR system, returns exhaust gases back into the combustion chamber to lower the overall emission output of the bike, good for emissions, not good for the engine, mine has been removed, due to the DEP pipe being fitted... No harm for the bike removing it, but if you do, plug up the hole in the exhaust and check your jetting as it may affect it! Danny
DTR-125. YZ 125
If you are only fourteen I would go for the yz, KTM stands for king til Monday because it will last till then, then break down lol Keep Taking Money is their real name.... But in all seriousness the YZ is a much better start point in my opinion
Going from forum to forum in tapatalk is loads easier, no need to type Web Addresses in or have multiple windows open in a web browser...
I agree it does work well on my phone, tapatalk is just easier because it allows you to jump in and out easier than a Web browser..
I'll second that question.....
Yz 125 / Dt 125 whats the differences?
I would rather have something that is a bit better off road because I use byways and country lanes to get to work and the longest bit of "normal" road I use is all up hill and about a mile long, all the rest is running up and down the box and rev range so I want something thats a bit "twitchy" on road and mediocre off it. Getting to-and-fro the enduro's may be a bit different but this will be once in a while so not that important. We will see, I suppose it's going to be trial and error... Thanks, Danny
Yz 125 / Dt 125 whats the differences?
Thanks to all for the replies, I am not actually interested in putting a yz engine in my bike nor am I looking for the bolt on 20hp, I was thinking more around the porting side along with the carb and the exhaust, which would be moderatly easy fits. I already have the exhaust which I am working on, may take some jiggling but its looking promising at the moment, but I'm fussy with looks and if it don't look right its getting binned. I'm going to be using the DT for enduro's as well as a daily ride so I'm just trying to find a happy balance between power, reliability and cost effectiveness.
Yz 125 / Dt 125 whats the differences?
Hi all, I have a couple of queries and was hoping some bright sparks on here might give me the info... I have been looking at YZ 125's, mainly the engine, and I know there are differences but I was just wondering if anybody knew what the main differences between them are that give the yz its extra umph, I mean is it as simple as porting differences or is it a completely different engine?? Exhaust and carburettor are a lot bigger and gear ratios must be different for the track use but what about the engine internals?? They have similarities in look but this doesnt mean anything.. Any help appreciated, I guess everyone can tell what I'm thinking about doing... Thanks Danny
New Kid From Iwade, Kent
Hi all, new to the forum, names Danny, and I live in Iwade... Rocking a 2006 DT125re, its unwell at the moment... Let me know if your local on a DT, have to meet for a ride...
2006 DT125RE Full Engine rebuild and general re-vamp - Slow Progress
I'll take your word for it, I'll build it with a gasket and see what I've got....
2006 DT125RE Full Engine rebuild and general re-vamp - Slow Progress
Sorry I missed out a two in that figure, its flat within 0.0028, so under 3 microns, I can't get it much better that that, not here anyway... Theoretically if I get the barrell mating face within the same flatness they will seal once the bolts are tightened down, people at work were saying they used to use a sheet of glass with wet and dry on top and that used to work!! I want to decrease the squish to give me a little more compression, giving better bottom end punch (mildly), but losing a bit on top end, due to lower revs. I will build it without a head gasket, and turn it all over by hand to make sure nothing hits, then find tdc and check the gap I have got, if its too small I'll put a gasket in. Should work, hopefully.... And regarding the P.V, I thought the same when I looked at it, but the powervalve hasnt got a mark on it, none at all, I 100% had the powervalve the right way in the chamber and it was turning the correct way from the servo. Also when I stripped it I put a steel rule down the bore on its edge in several places around the exhaust port and span the P.V, and there was plenty of clearence even with the P.V upside down! The piston is in fact undersize! I believe the barrell has been re-worked in the past as it is circa Ø56.6mm, (with a Ø0.015 taper in it!), which I suppose isnt too bad consridering, but then the piston is Ø56.1 up to Ø56.35, so in places half a mil Øclearence, which is far too much surely??? I mean the piston rattles around in the bore like a pr#*k in a sock... I guess whoever did the work before just bought oversize rings instead of a new piston?? Danny