1968 Yamaha YG5T White smoke?!
Hello everyone, I am new to motor bikes and have no idea what is going on with my bike. My bike is spitting oil out of the exhaust pipe and at the top of the pipe where it connects to the engine (as well as white smoke!), this is following adding oil to the crank box. Hope someone can help, this happens every time i add oil to the crank box like it needs. Any ideas on how to fix this issue? <a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=f2lp8x" target="_blank"><img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/f2lp8x.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> <a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=21enls4" target="_blank"><img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/21enls4.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> <a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=2uggzyb" target="_blank"><img src="http://i39.tinypic.com/2uggzyb.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
Hello! Yamaha YG5T (1968) Clutch Cable
haha now the bike isn't starting. I re-adjusted the clutch to make it fit better. but I think I might have messed with the lever ( too much, and now the bike won't kick over. Any suggestions. It was riding yesterday like a champ, and now... nothing. Thanks so much for your patients and help everyone! Dave
Hello! Yamaha YG5T (1968) Clutch Cable
No will do that though in the morning, will that help with going back into 1st?
Hello! Yamaha YG5T (1968) Clutch Cable
Got it! Running alright too! Just need to get it all tuned up now, it seems to having trouble getting back into first from second. Thanks for all your help!
Hello! Yamaha YG5T (1968) Clutch Cable
Ok, I took of the exaust pipe to unscrew the old clutch cable housing (metal tube, as seen in picture). I then was able to unscrew it out. I then screwed in the new clutch cable. Now I am finding out, the cable is too short? It will not reach (about 2 inches too short). I am lossing my mind. Anyone know where I can take this bike to just get this replaced. I bought the "new" clutch cable on eBay, which fit the YG5T description.
Hello! Yamaha YG5T (1968) Clutch Cable
My nipple adapter looks just like sacha's picture, if you need I can send you a nip pic ;-)
Hello! Yamaha YG5T (1968) Clutch Cable
Hey Airhead, It is a new able, looks identical to the old one that snapped. It is a pear, I had to cut the old one out of the clutch box. Inside it was a nipple adapter that it goes right into, but i just have to make it past that metal housing / tube like thing before entering the clutch box. Thanks Dave
Hello! Yamaha YG5T (1968) Clutch Cable
Hey everyone Sorry about the delay, it has been cold and grad schools been slowing me down on getting this bike back up and running. I bought a new clutch cable, took out the old one, and then inserted the new one into the handle and brought it down to the housing the same way as the original. Now I can seem to figure out how to get the "ball" end into the housing to attach it. The problem is in this metal "tube" like thing that goes into the clutch box but is to thin to take the "ball" at the end of the clutch cable. I feel like this is such an easy problem to fix that I don't want to take it in over this tiny thing. All I need to do is get the cable through that "tube", but the tube looks like it is only large enough to take a cable itself. I have attached some photos for you to check out to get a better idea of what I am talking about. http://www.flickr.com/photos/94536113@N08/8599220070/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/94536113@N08/8599222928/ Maybe i'm going to have to remove the exaust pipe to remove the "tube" i don't know haha. Gezzz all i want to do it ride.
Hello! Yamaha YG5T (1968) Clutch Cable
Hey! I am new to riding, and have a old Yamaha YG5T. I saw my bike in a picture on google, next to another bike that is often up at my school parking lot (). I recently broke my clutch cable, and bought a replacement off the internet. I installed the new cable into the lever, but am unable to figure out how to properly insert the other end of the cable into the housing. Is there anyone in this club that can point me in the right direction. Thanks so much Dave
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