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Everything posted by Benedictine

  1. Thanks. Yes there are two nuts on the rim but I didn't get chance to have a go at it today, besides the part has not come yet. I'm not sure how the indicators come away though and it doesn't mention anything in the manual about it. I will have a fiddle around as that is how you learn best I think and if not shout help.
  2. Yes I was probably going too fast, over walking pace when I switched from 2nd to 1st. I will get used to the changes no doubt. I will keep the clutch cable in mind if it is not that, but I am sure I was going a little fast. The bike is 20 years old but I'm hoping that there is still plenty of life it in yet, only got 12.5k on the clock and it looks to have been kept in general good maintainence (oil changes etc) if left a little dirty and rust gone too unchallenged then I would have allowed. A gearbox strip down sounds extremely difficult. I'm still fretting about changing the headlight surround - I can't see how it will fit around the indicators! Good luck with it.
  3. Great stuff thanks. Yes the choke has to be held out a bit when starting from cold but that's not a problem. I just hold it for about a minute and then let it back in and then the engine is ready to go. I've just had a very short run on it, to the end of the road and back (it's a dead end road) and it runs fine. It really seems to want to be in second gear almost immediately and jerks back a little if I go from second to first, if I'm going a little fast for first. The newer SR bikes I rode at the CBT and Get On weren't like that, it seemed a lot smoother to transition between 1-2 and 2-1 back down. I think I just have to get the feel for the bike. I can't really ride it out any further as I need to complete my CBT first but when I do I'll probably get a feel for the bike much better and get to now what speeds each gear needs before changing. I see you are into the old Triumph bikes? I was attracted to the Yamaha sr myself as I thought it had that classic look and more attractive to me than some of the other 125s on the market. Cheers.
  4. Cheers, that's a good idea. I have found the part here: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=111017397550 Going to order it. It should be simple enough to fit on, even for a newbie like me.
  5. No I'm not a monk, it's a long story, would be cool though a bike riding monk! There's no chance that I will let it get to reserve. As there's no fuel gauge it's going to keep me looking. I'm planning on keeping it at least half full. I just didn't want to be riding it around on the wrong setting and it causing some issue.
  6. Sounds good, thanks for passing the link it, that would be good. My brother is getting his first bike tomorrow too, Yamaha YBR. Cheers.
  7. Thanks. Yes I'm on a CBT in the Yorkshire area, UK. Going to be hitting the National Parks - first the Peak District, then Yorkshire Dales and North Yorkshire Moors and then eventually the Lakes! Oh yes love the cleaning, getting rid of the rust and shinning up an old bike has been great fun. I have a blister on my thumb (from getting rid of the helmet case platform thing) and I reek of WD40 and oil. Proper stuff! Just fed up with waiting for my Haynes manual and helmet to arrive. Our post is shocking. Cheers.
  8. Thanks. It's amazing how much fun you can have just cleaning up the bike. I can't imagine how good it must feel actually getting the bike on on the road for real. So to confirm the advice you gave on the other thread regarding the reserve tap. Going - tap on. At rest over night - tap off. Struggling for petrol - reserve. That right? I have emailed the part seller regarding the whether the 2000 casing will fit the 1993 model. Thanks again. When my Haynes manual finally comes I'm going to read it cover to cover.
  9. Just a quick hello. I'm new to the motorbiking game. Got myself a cheap Yamaha SR 125 1993 model off ebay, spent the last two half days getting rid of the rust and touching up bits of paint work, now it's looking pretty good. I don't have a photo as of yet but I might stick one up tomorrow if I can. Paid less than £400 for it. Looking to get out on to the road as soon as the rest of my gear comes, helmet for example. Cheers.
  10. HI, thanks, No mine is a 1993 model, I wonder if the desesign has changed at all? I will have to look into this. I will have a look at the casing again. Cheers.
  11. Thanks for your reply. Yes I will post a hello shortly. I'm checking on the fuel switch. Here is a mini picture of the crack I am talking about if you can see it. I'm hopelessly new to this. I have identified what I think is this part on ebay, here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_nkw=yamaha+sr+125+headlight+dish&_sacat=0&_odkw=yamaha+sr+125&_osacat=0&_from=R40 Is that the correct part and is it easy to fit? Thanks again. Just can't wait to get sorted and finaly get out on the road! EDIT: Yes it has three positions, 'on' 'off' and 'reserve'. When I am driving around it needs to be in 'on' position then? But when in the garage swtich it to 'off', when running out of fuel switch to 'reserve'? Is that correct? Thanks again.
  12. Hi, I am new to biking and just bought my first bike a Yamaha SR 125 1993 model. It was a bit dirty with a bit of rust but it has scrubbed up really well and I am happy with it. Anyway, I have a couple of questions which I hope someone can answer please. I was starting it up today when I noticed the fuel reserve on the bike was 'on'. Should this be switched to 'off'? I assume so but want to check. What happens if you ride with the reserve on? The tank is about 3/4 full at the moment. Another thing. The bike has a crack on the front around where the front head light is. It's not a real problem just cosmetic, but is it possible to buy a new piece for this, I would like to if possible? I have ordered the Haynes manual it's in the post at the moment. Thanks.
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