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  1. Thank you for the good suggestions. There is no fuel filter mentioned in the manual, I have cycled the tank x 2 since I have had it, so hopefully stale fuel is flushed, but maybe a good flush could clear out any impurities. As it is fuel injected, there is no vapour lock? but maybe a vacuum lock due to blocked tank vents? But why when it is hot only? Mybe the heat is effecting some tubes that vent the tank? Either way burping the tank sounds like a very good test. And I will wait to self test b4 starting. Not sure about the CO settings for OZ, but I will ask the dealership. I plan a big ride in hot weather thsi weekend and see how I go! Cheers
  2. Hi, I have recently picked up a near new 2010 FJR1300A [1500km], but noticed that it takes a few times to restart and run. It seems to be most prevelent after city riding on hot days. The engine temp gets up 2 x bars above mid point. It is nearly as if the fuel has boiled off? Cheers Ray
  3. Hi Stu, i am a newbi to the YOC site as well. I am from Sydney and just bought myself an as new 2nd hand FJR1300A! back into after a long break from riding. Have fun Cheers Ray