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  1. Baker.Ben replied to Baker.Ben's post in a topic in The Bar
    This is what i was thinking. if its soft enough to be sheared by a ham fisted chav with a screwdriver i can adress the issue with a bit of patience and savvy. worse that can happen is ill need a new carb anyway!. Still would love some advice as to where to lok for this back up carb?
  2. Baker.Ben replied to Baker.Ben's post in a topic in The Bar
    Honestly, £460 quid. The guy started laughing as he was telling me the price! Im not sure what make/model of the carb. how would i find this out? all the information i thought i would need is the model and year of the bike =/
  3. Baker.Ben posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    so, the previous owner of my 05 DT125RE was a bit of a wally and has screwed the air mix screw too tight and ended up shearing off any sort of groove for my screwdriver. I have just come off the phone from my local yam dealer and we had a great laugh at a new carb being over 400 quid! So I am now searching the internet for a second hand one but I am unsure what year/models will fit my bike. also any suggestions for good sites to look at would be much appreciated or even if anyone on here is selling one or knows someone who is. all help much appreciated!!
  4. Baker.Ben replied to Baker.Ben's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    You are a legend
  5. Baker.Ben replied to Baker.Ben's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thanks Shambles. I didnt want to go rushing in and miss an important little trick of the trade. the choke is a lever that goes up or down. its not and inny outty job
  6. Baker.Ben posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Good morning 1 and all. Just bought a DT125 and thought it would be helpful to be around like minded bikers to give an recieve nuggets of wisdom. My name is Ben and I'm a baker, as if to state the obvious. So I'll ask questions about my bike and I am here to help you with any bready woes you may have,
  7. Baker.Ben posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hello all, Ive just bought an '05 DT125re yesterday. And I have 2 questions I need help with; First being am i correct in thinking that the choke lever pushed down is the choke on? second being a little more 'techy'. sometimes the bike dies when at tick over. not instantly but just fades out after about 10-15 seconds. From what i know the bike was serviced and MoT'd last month so I'm assuming it is nothing major but I also know that the bike hasnt really been used over the past 6 months. Ive read a little bit into it and apprently it could be a build up for gunk in the carb? easily solved by taking it apart and giving it a good clean. Is this an easy job to do at home and how do I do it? Im not experienced in much mechanical work but I wouldnt consider myself a total novice. Any help or advice would be much appreciated ! Thank you