1980 Yamaha 650 Maxima I
Hello, About my 1980 Yamaha Maxima I I found the rite Battery.... Thanks! Now I still haven't found out where the Vacume Line Goes. I'll try to explain what I'm talking about. ( On the 1980 Yamaha 650 Maxima I) I have four Rubber Boots that are mounted with 2 bolts for each Boot too the Engine . Each of These Boots have a Nipple on the top for Vacume hookup. On 3 of the boots the Nipples are Capped Off with a Rubber Cap. (Now on 1 of the Rubber Boot the nipple is not Capped Off, It has a Vacume line to it.) From that 1 rubber Boot where does that Vacume line go? I also,have a 1100 XS on that bike the Vacume line goes from the Carb Boot to the Air Filter. But,this 650 I have ,Don't have a Vacume line hookup (Nipple)to the Air filter. Can Anyone tell me where that Vacume line Goes? Another problem I have is Float Settings for 1980 Yamaha 650 Maxima I Can Anyone tell me the Float Settings (measurments)? .
1981 yamaha maxim misfiring? problem.
To test Change the plugs! Sounds like you got a hold of a or some bad Plugs. Try changing the plugs. Make sure the plugs go to that bike too! Also,could be a sticky Valve.Pure some brake Fluid in the Gas tank with Gas and let it run for bout 2-3 Min (Its gonna smoke white Heavy)then shut it down . Drain the Tank then put new gas 93 in the tank. Then Clean the Carb Bowls And niddle Valves.Make sure all Floats are set the same.Also, wouldn't hurt to add another -or a New Gas Filter. (Sounds like Shit in the Tank getting to the niddle Valves-Or Sticky Valve-or Bad Plugs-bad coil.or wireing Problem). Brake Fluid Loosens up sticky valves.Take the coils in and get them tested.I have 2 coils laying around somewhere if you need. Just pay for shipping. Lets kill too birds with one stone. Can you tell me where the Vacme Line from the Carb boot goes? Also, what kind-size-type of battery that bike takes? Because,I have a 1980 yamaha 650 Maxima ...... Thanks ! Good luck.....
1980 Yamaha 650 Maxima I
(1) I just got a 1980 Yamaha 650 Maxima I I Noticed that the Battery Compartment Area Is very small.Looks about 4''X 8'' Almost looks like a Scooter Battery Size.Can't seem to figure it out. This bike has no Kick starter,So I would think that it would take a bigger battery. Does anyone Know what size battey(Type,Model,No#) Why in the world would someone make a bike with no Kicker. (2)I Also,have one Vacume Line coming from the Carb Boot.All the others are Plugged Off. On my 1100 the Vac- line goes to the Air Filter Box. But, on this 650 it don't have a Nipple on the Filter Box for a Vacume Line hookup . Does anyone know where it goes? Or am I Missing something? Thanks!
Depending a the law in your state. I know in Indiana before you take your motorcycles test they check to make sure both brakes work and also, You have to explain what the front and back is used for during operation(Driven) For an example When driving a down grade do you use the front or the back? Rear unless you wanna flip. Or if its a long down grade you use both because they get hot. Same example When on a soft sholder(gravel) what brake do you use? It states Front unless you wanna spin out. I use the rear sometimes both. Unless your bike isn't street legal than HELLO its not legal . In all respect I think I would of installed a rear brake over a front any day. At less with a rear you can keep a willy.Lets see ya try to stop in the gravel at around 40mph Or lets see ya stop on a front blow out. I would like to see the Videos.
79 1100 xs
I have a Yamaha 1100 XS 1979 Classic. I need help? Sometimes theres a little spark out of the plugs and then sometimes theres not. Items I replaced so far is the following: Ignition Unit. Complete wiring harness. I also, tested the Coil wires for current.tested O.K. I tested the 4 distributor wires for current and I don't get any current from them. I was told from a shop that I won't get any current from the Distributor wires until it reached a suretin RPM. Is this true? Or do I need a oeum Meter? Can someone help me? Thanks.
Yamaha help needed!
Sounds like Niddle Valve sticks Also,sounds like someone tinkered with the float bowl Or shit in the gas. You Say it will run awhile then shut down then won't start for a few days.(Is it hard to start as in shit load of kicks-turn overs before it will fire if so) Will when it don't want to start try Pulling the plug and dump a little oil down the cylinder. Then put the plug backin then try to start it if it tries to fire you got a bad ring.. could be head gasgit or oil pump.
XS1100 runs out of steam
Hello,I notice you have a 1100 I have a 1979 Yamaha 1100 XS Was told at a cycle shop that the 1979 Yamaha 1100 xs is the only Bike Yamaha ever made thats pushing over 309 Horse power. too me This engine looks like a 4 cylinder car engine strapped to a motor cycle frame. One heavy bike. Talking about feeling the power between your legs I'm telling ya! This is the bike. I was wondering if you can give me some feed back? I'm looking for some photos on the wiring on this bike. They say pictures say a thousand words. I need to know about the (Ignition Unit) The Ignition Unit is the Black Box mounted under the seat. Has two Plugins one big & one small 4 prong plugin. I need to know where the small 4 prong plugin goes? Does the 4 prong plug go from the Ignition unit too the Distributor thats near the gear Shifter (Distributor is located on the side under a cover next & above to the gear shifter.) Thanks for any help you can give!
1979 Yamaha 1100 XS
I have a 1979 Yamaha 1100 XS My Problem is (NO SPARK) Once in a blue moon it will spark . If I turn it over, at the end of the last stroke it 'll spark only once. or sometimes it will spark if I hold the spark plug wire and touch the frame at the same time. Sometimes it sparks sometimes it don't. Can someone help on this topic?......... Someone anyone please,give me some feed back.So I know I have a Internet Connection and that this website even works! I see posting on this website thats been posted sence Jan-. I also, see Posting that has 80+ views and no feed backs . I'll give this website a few more days if I don't get feed back I'm gone for good.
Smoke at high RPM? Helppppppppppppp????
Sounds like oil brake down.change the oil then run a compression check on each cylender. Sounds like to me one or more of your rings are weak. possible a head gasgit considering what color the smoke is. I've seen it also. If your having carb problems as if the floats are'nt set , will cause gas to get in your oil causes oil brake down. Just like a car if the octigin seancer goes out that tells the Engine to pure the fuel.witch causes oil brake down. I don't know ya! BUT, I real think that you just don't want to face the facts. Fact is your rings are shot.....................
1979 Yamaha 1100 XS 4 stroker
I have a 1979 1100 XS My problem is (No Spark). I replaced with new the following parts so far and still No spark. Ignition Key Switch Coils. Complete wiring Harness. Been thinking about replacing the ignition unit (Black Box )thats located under the seat mounted on the frame. But,was told that the ignition unit hardly ever goes bad.Was told that the cycle shop can sell me one .The cycle shop said (but why should I sell you something you don't need). I'm getting power to the coils. I only get spark at the end of the last stroke everytime I crank it over.Sparks once. If I hold one of the spark plugs while touching metal on the bike I get spark. Seems to me,It sounds like a groung problem. I'm begging for some feed back?
I HAVE A 1979 YAMAHA 1100 XS THE FIRST AND ONLY BIKE THATS PULLING 309 HORSE POWER THE LARGEST HP ENGINE YAMAHA EVER MADE. THE 4 PISTONS ARE BIGGER THAN 350 CHEVY 4 BOLT MAIN. I NEED TO FEEL THE POWER BETWEEN MY LEGS AGAIN! I replaced the wiring harness. I replaced the Ignition Switch. I replaced the Coils. Its not the timing. I also checked the wipe out shut down switch. CAN ANYONE GIVE ME SOME FEED BACK ON THIS PROBLEM?(KNOWLEDGE) Thank you!
still having problems with xj400z
O.K, Here's what I do know. Because, I just completely rewired my wire harness on my 1100 xs .While Doing that I found many wires that was cut & spliced because,of carb fires. When I rewired the harness I had extra wires left that I didn't know were they went. So, when I went too plug all the plugs in I had these wires left I had 2 solid browns , black & red striped wires , Orenge & yellow striped wire , 1 solid Baby Blue . When I would turn on the Ignition.I had nothing no lights on dash no horn no turns,no brake lights I had nothing... Now, when I wired the Orenge & yellow to the fuse box my horn,turns,brake lights,Igntion light all powered on. Now what,I had left to power up was oil light and neutral light . I wired the black & red wire to the oil sending unit that power on my Oil light. When I wired the baby blue wire up that powered my neutral light. So, Make a long story short.Someone rewired some wires on my bike and when they did! For a example- When the Baby blue wire Smoked .Instead of replacing that wire with the same color, they used any color wire they had.That throws everything off,When people do that. So, to help you out I know that all the brown wires are hot(go to the fuse box).If you look at the wires going to the fuse box there all brown but one. Orenge and red wire is the main hot(goes to the fuse box) Black and Red wire is your Oil light If your neutral light isn't working then its either (1)(blue wire is disconnected somewhere) or(2)(Neutral switch is bad) (3)(One of your brown wires are disconnected some where.Test all brown wires to see if they are hot)(4)(Ignition switch is bad) ....... Note: Yamaha is the first that installed a wipe out shut down switch that is located under the fuel tank mounted to the frame if you would shake that switch it sounds like a ball inside . It also, has a 2 prong plug going to it with 1 black wire and 1 white wire.(to test that switch just unplug it. One more thing to help you out. All kill switch wires are (Red with a Black stripe)coming from your (off and run) switch on Throudle side handle bar. (theres a Black w/White stripe wire also, coming from the same place,Thats your fire wire witch tell your coils yes where hot now lets go....................
just bought my 2000 V-star 1100 it started fine....then...
Hey, I got a 1100 xs was wonding if you have a black box under your set with 2 plugins one large an 1 small plugs saids Ignition Unit on the box? because,i need to know if the small 4 prong plug coming from that box is going to your distributor which is near your gear shifter (has a round cover plate). In other words Can you tell me where the 4 prong plug thats plugged in to your Ignition Unit Box is going too? Thanks!
XS400SG Only fires in one cylinder untill hot HELP
Sounds like compression either a ring or valves bent try running a compression test on that cylinder
xj400z problem
Will the neutrel light wire is solid blue whitch run under the engine near the gear shifter.Check to make sure its connected & run a test lite to test it. Now as for firing(Spark) Could be many reason why. But, if the blue wire is disconnected its telling the ignition Unit that its not in neutral whitch is anouther kill switch.that could be why your not getting spark. I know Yamaha is the first that also, came out with the spill shut off switch witch is located under the Tank with a black and white two prong plug sounds like it has a ball in it if you shack it(if you wipe out it shuts down) to test it just unplug it then see if you have spark.Note: if you unplg it .It will still start.Sometimes they go bad. other than that could be your Timing. I would start by Checking all Kill switches and kill wires kill wires are usally red & White ,Black & white,Solid Blue for Neutral blue kill switch your Neutral lite is not only just a Indcator its also, a kill too! Later Dan
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