Everything posted by ExiledBacchus
2010 XJ6N Bulbs?
Mine is a XJ6-N 2011 (sorry I cant remember where I found it online but it was quite straight forward) The manual is dated 2010For some reason I cant paste the clip on this forum from my Mac, extension issues ?!? Stop and tail is 12V, 5.0 W/21.0 W (so not an LED) Id be surprised if Halford's didn't have a kit for it.
Any body get down to Ace Corner today?
My first time.Some awesome kit and cool vibe. Will defo' be heading out there again :-)
heated grips
Cool Cynic, that's an interesting point but Im guessing personally, I have circulation issues. When I used to cycle I had the same issues in racing shoes (and gloves). I've even tried the baker foil foot wrap lol. And believe me I have no core temperature issues when I'm speed trialing ;-) I guess the thing is dependant on your reaction to cold. For me my fingers become painfully numb and I lose dexterity which is obviously a dangerous issue. I appreciate this doesn't help you decide, other than to say that its a personal issue. You've got to try out some options for yourself. At least it should be relatively easy to try out the proper leggings idea, they will be a benefit regardless of whether that heat migrates to your fingers or not. Im gonna look at that Cynic, you sporting over trousers? Textiles?
heated grips
If its any help I can share what didn't work for me. Its my finger tips that suffer (painfully) and i cant see how grips are gonna get the heat where its needed. Ive tried different gloves, inc various under gloves, no good and I really hated the handle bar muffs. I found them dangerous at speed. They would really benefit from a more rigid internal structure. Im definitely going for the heated glove option next year. Ill have to run some kid of power jack to some discreet location which will be a hassle but this may also come in handy for powering a SatNav in the future.
Negative Attitude to Bikes
Ive only been back on the bike since early Jan' and conversely I have to say my experience with strangers has been really positive. Walking into many places has spawned spontaneous positive remarks/conversations with peeps. Its really made me feel like being part of some elitist secret club. Im lovin' it.
XJ6-S Additional Wind Deflectors
Excuse me for picking up this old thread. I suffer with impossibly cold finger tips. Ive been wearing winter gloves, with various under gloves and also fitted Oxford Bone Dry Muffs. Hated the muffs. They collapse at speed and I found them a huge distraction to control usage etc. They did however marginally improve my condition from painful numbness to just regular fekin' freezin'. Bit late in the season now but next year Im going for heated gloves probably Gerbing's or the Alpinestars. In fairness its not even been that cold this year (yet lol)
R1 now 2 inches shorter...
£200 more and its not even your fault??
hi from sunny southampton
Freezing tonight though issy and your just down the road from me. I wazzed up to Dorking from Basingstoke this afternoon and came back hell bent on getting some heated gloves. (Maybe the Alpinestars Tech Heated).
Is your actual annual mileage close to what you've told your insurer?
Well as it turned out I had told my insurance company I'd do 9000. I said it is looking closer to 12,000 at this stage. They said not to worry but monitor it and let them know later in the year. There wouldn't be any extra on my premium. Hooray!! But the would be a £30 admin charge. Boooooh!!
Do you wear a Hi-Vis?
Personally I drive as well as ride, Im sure some of you do as well. (I think riding a motorcycle should be compulsory before you get into a car) I think its a wee bit difficult to qualify but I cant say that I have ever not seen a motorcyclist (esp at night) but then noticed them by virtue of the fact that I have spotted their Hi Vis jacket. So I would say no. Arguable lulls the wearer into a false sense of visibility.
Is your actual annual mileage close to what you've told your insurer?
I was just thinking the same thing. I think I estimated 6000 annually, as Im just back on a bike and wasn't sure how much I would do. But Ive already done over 1000 in my first month and that includes a week of snow. Given that we've not seen any good weather yet I'd better increase it with the insurers. They are always looking for ways to not pay.
XJ6 Exhaust replacement
Any members have experience of modding or replacing the exhaust on the XJ6? The Scorpions look and sound good for the money. But are there real performance benefits in the OEM+ exhausts, seems a bit odd stuffing another can onto the one thats on there. Not that Im unhappy with the current performance, just trying to justify shelling out the bucks for cosmetics and a different tone. I think on a practical level Givi Panniers will have to come first though. Would appreciate the collective wisdom and experiences of the group. Cheers
your other hobbies?
Im just working through the campaigns in BF3 (spending a lot of time dead lol) but enjoying it. But that's been put aside for DS3, which Im really loving. So that was an evening of stomping of necromorph's limbs lol Ive spent a wee bit of time as a panda romping around the eastern kingdoms myself :-) but I'm more likely to fire up GuildWars these days (no subscription)
MCN Show 2013
Cool Im hoping there'll be some deals there. I just got my bike in January and there all sorts of stuff I'd like to do to it, wheel tape, tail tidy, screen, rear hugger all the way to mod'ed exhausts, no end of ways to empty my wallet But mostly content with riding it lol.
Whats a mans biscuit?
Nah, the custard cream is the King off biscuits. Anything else is just a pale pretender to the throne.
MCN Show 2013
I was considering a trip in. Never been to one before are they good?
your other hobbies?
Hi paulmcl, what are you playing at the mo'?
Does anyone listen to music whilst riding?
Hey Beef, Ive gotta say its early days but Im loving the music in the lid, totally transformed my motorway commute. I'd be interested to hear those mini speakers over ear buds (I do like a wee bit of bass ). Please let us know how you get on mate
Does anyone listen to music whilst riding?
Cheers Curly, this looks really good as well. http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/400/9590/Motorcycle-Article/SENA-Bluetooth-Motorcycle-Headset-Review.aspx Although it doesn't rave about the mp3 sound quality but what is your opinion? Whilst i'm researching (scrapping the cash together ) for one of these units, I picked up some ear buds from work. I've gotta say it made such a difference listening to the Black Keys over the howling banshees, rather than just the banshees on their own. I also clearly need a louder exhaust :-)
Does anyone listen to music whilst riding?
Cheers for your comments all. @Clarkegray the Scala kit looks interesting: http://www.cardosystems.com/scala-rider/scala-rider-g4 Ill look into that, maybe there'll be some on demo at the London Expo MCN show next week
Does anyone listen to music whilst riding?
Whats on you playlist at the mo'?
Does anyone listen to music whilst riding?
It seems like it would be a bad idea but since getting back on the bike Ive been considering earplugs as motorway wind noise is colossal. So I may as well be listening to music(?) I know some cars have trick systems that automatically increase/decrease volume in line with road speed. Anything exist like that for bikers?
your other hobbies?
For me, Playing and teaching guitar . Electric, acoustic (steel, nylon) Just picked up a Michel Mesner Dobro that Im not finding time to play Have always loved music (Anyone going to Download this year, dream line up) I really enjoy Xbox (will be picking up Dead Space 3 this weekend, currently on Battlefield 3) Running (coughing, spluttering) Hiking Reading Cooking And now i'm back on a bike, bring on the 36 hour day :-)
which big bike .?
If your looking at a 600 have you considered an XJ6N. (great in black) Ive just got one after not being on a bike for 25 years. So from the perspective of being new to modern bikes, its been fabulous. Really forgiving and easy to ride. Its doesn't punish you for taking a dodgy line through corners or for poor gear selection. The pictures are great but like Steve 1052cc says, you've got to throw your leg over a few and see how they feel Good luck though, I'm enjoying the vicarious excitement of buying a new bike.
Wind protection XJ6N
'Lock n load' Monkeyjim!!