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Everything posted by Sasquatch

  1. Well, it's sorted now. After no further luck starting it, and having checked that everything was reconnected and reinstalled in the right place. I sorted out a bit of narrow tubing and got a good shot of ether in through the 'snorkel' air intake. It fired up straight away, sputtered and coughed a few times and then ran, albeit qute erratically. Even after a few minutes, it didn't really want to idle very well. It would appear that, having been apart, there might have been an air lock somewhere that needed a bit of 'encouragement' to shift. I guess it needs a bit of setting up properly, so that's the next job, and then the MOT, and then...
  2. Well, some progress... Following 'Trouble Shooting 101', I checked as many electical connections as I could find and I moved the sidestand back and forth a number of time. All seemed OK, and the starter now turns, with a healthy spark, but the engine won't fire, so I'm kinda back where I was when I started all of this I will need to double check that, when I reinstalled the carb, I got the various lines connected correctly (it was some months between taking it off and putting it on.) and verify that I'm getting fuel into it. Has anyone got a picture or diagram of what a correctly installed carb looks like?
  3. Hiya Life got in the way for quite a while, but I've finally been able to take some time with this one. The carb is all cleaned out an ready, battery fresh and charged, everything reassembled, and... nothing. The electrics seem OK (lights, horn, indicators) and the engine light comes on and then goes off, Neutral light is on, but there's no action from the starter. I'm not sure where to go from here (I work mainly on cars, not bikes).
  4. Thanks.
  5. I guess I'm finding some of my own answers along the way - I suspect that this is the carb drain, bottom left? Whatever it is, it is seized solid and the head partly stripped (as are two pan-head screws on the piston cover)... Hi Slice - just missed your post. I suspect I will have a bit of trouble with this one... Ah, well... that's what weekends are for.
  6. Hi Cynic Less than 10 minutes to get the tank off (YouTube is your friend), and another 40 minutes to work out how to get the carb off... The first thing I discovered is that the piston was stuck, so blasted it with carb cleaner, so it moves now. The second thing I discovered, (well, the first thing, really) was that the carb joint is cracked, so will have source another (urgh £112 plus postage!). What does the carb drain look like, and what else can I do with the carb without disassembling it? BTW - I've found something I've been missing for a good few years (this being my first attempt on motorcycles) - vehicles without several black boxes and a gazillion wires plugged into everything, ECUs that need re-setting, etc The Sasquatch
  7. I think I've pretty much confirmed the diagnosis - I went out and picked up some Easy Start just now. With a couple of squirts, the motor started straight off. Now, I need to work out how to get the carb off, as I don't have a workshop manual. I'm assuming the first (obvious) job is taking the - half full - petrol tank off so that I can actually get at the carb...
  8. Hi - I'm trying to get my other half's Dragstar running (long story short: it was sitting for about 5 years, but started and warmed up every month or so, then sat for the last 18 months with no activity). There's fresh fuel, new oil and filter, new air filter, and a new battery. Spark plugs where a bit black but dry - spark is good, so just cleaned them up. The issue is that it doesn't fire at all, so suspect an issue with the carb - I checked that there's fuel to the carb inlet pipe (I now smell strongly of petrol), but I am at a loss as to what to do next. The Sasquatch
  9. Quick one for a newbie here - breathers? What are they and where are they? TIA
  10. Name: Yamaha XVS 125 Dragstar (2001) Date Added: 07 February 2013 - 01:08 PM Owner: Sasquatch Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
  11. Well - got the air and oil filters fm my local Yamaha dealer. The oil and filters are now changed, and I've got a couple of new plugs to gap and put in. The electrics are fine - the battery charged up no problem after a few years with no use, and is holding its charge. Just need to check out the brakes and change the tyres - only a few thousand miles on them, but they are the originals, so are now about 12 years old - and then give it a damn good clean!
  12. Hi Folks I've just joined the site - I'm not a biker, but my other half is... She's just got herself a 2001 XVS 125, which has been sitting in someone's back garden for the past 4 years. I've got the owner's manual and have a fair bit of experience with things mechanical (although the last bike I worked on was a Kawi KH1000), but I wanted to check first for any advice before I start the "recommissioning" process. Also, when I say "has been sitting", I mean just that - it has not been run (or, in fact, moved) since early 2008... I appreciated that all the fluids will need changing, and that the tyres are probably suspect, despite having very little wear, but any advice (particularly about changing the oil - do I run it first to warm the oil up,or is that a bad idea for a motor that hasn't been run for so long, etc). All constructive advice will be greatly appreciated. Regards