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Everything posted by finnerz89

  1. Been a load parked up at the services near me for a while. I'd still be at work if the top knobs had their way I think.
  2. I know it's a horrible thing to say but the human race in general needs thinning out a bit. You can do all you like to protect the environment but the truth is there's just too many of us. Nature will kick back eventually. I'm off work now for 3 weeks, got plenty to get on with. The Mrs is working from home
  3. For the foreseeable it is mate. How are things looking up your way?
  4. Silencer won't make really difference performance wise. Maybe a tiny difference in sound. On a 2 stroke the expansion pipe is where all the magic happens. You also get a lot of sound from them as the stock ones are double layered whereas the aftermarket ones are thin sheet. You get a nice performance boost and save some weight too. Just be aware the chrome finish on DEP pipes takes some real looking after especially if you ride in all weathers
  5. Let's get some dates sorted then! I'm happy to do 2 meets also
  6. I'd like to do kielder. Some mega roads around there I hear
  7. I think the light is fed off a relay that the switch pulls in. Could be wrong, purely going off the top of my head lol
  8. Yeah you'll need to rejet for open pipes
  9. As Bippo says it's a separate test. 90% the same questions though.
  10. Got there in the end. I imagine it's plenty loud with just the one?
  11. Sounds like a plan to me. Just remember she'll need to pass her theory before you can book a course with the tests at the end.
  12. Excellent. Family rideout soon then!
  13. I'd suggest cleaning the carbs myself, you might be delving too deep. You could also try sticking some V Power in it and giving it a good spank for a tank or so
  14. Whatever you do don't accuse me of having knowledge
  15. Sounds like the condensation has damaged something. Try spraying some switch cleaner inside and maybe cleaning up the connections with a fibreglass pencil
  16. If you imagine a simple circuit with a battery, switch, and a light bulb. With the circuit made an ammeter will record the same current pull, before the switch, before the bulb and after. Your example is parallel circuits so the pull on one circuit won't affect the other.
  17. Current is the same anywhere in the circuit. But the voltage will be lower in the situation you're describing.
  18. He's done the blokey thing and binned it already
  19. Cynics right about the relay - thought I'd mentioned putting one in - too many beers! Yeah horns usually have a permanent live feed so you're switching the neutral. Which is generally frowned upon electrically but it seems the norm on bikes! Just remember to fit an inline fuse between the battery and your relay, stop you starting any fires if something shorts.
  20. I guess you could run a new feed into the horn button, from an existing switched feed, then connect the original horn cabling to your new ones. I'd take a feed off the supply to the rear brake switch (assuming that's 12v) or the side lights
  21. Greetings of the season! Have a good one all
  22. I'll happily start one. Just wanted to check first https://www.facebook.com/groups/691940734664947/ Group sorted.
  23. Had a look, it's a page as opposed to a group so I don't think us peasants can post anything?
  24. Is there a Facebook page already or does someone need to make one? I check on here every day but as you say it's pretty quiet
  25. Best place to look would be fowler's parts. Check the parts drawings for both bikes and compare the numbers.
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