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Everything posted by finnerz89

  1. That looks pretty sweet! +1 on Grouch's request for a link, wouldn't mind them on the DT! Did you mount it on the bars or triple clamp or what?
  2. Name: Yamaha DT125X (2007) Date Added: 18 March 2013 - 03:51 PM Owner: finnerz89 Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
  3. yeah it sounds pretty good! i'll see if i can get a decent recording
  4. Some of you may have read my previous post asking advice on a replacement front pipe for my DT. So at first i bought a Big One front tank, as i had a Big One Silencer so assumed they would match. New pipe arrived without issue, looked great, nice and light, everything in order. Also had some new gaskets, so i was all set. Went to replace the front pipe on Monday, removed the seat, tank, panels etc. All fine. Started to unbolt the exhaust, got to the last one, removed it and it fell apart! Turns out the join between the silencer and front pipe was an absolute bodge, (See pictures) and the old silencer wouldn't be suitable for fitting to the new front pipe. I also had some new packing for the old silencer. So bodged it all back together again, replaced exhaust gasket and ordered a new silencer. (A Big One) In the mean time I also ordered an new Anti-Vibe Mount for the Front Pipe from AJSutton.co.uk - Great for spares! Received the silencer today, perfect fit to the front pipe as you'd expect. All fitted with only some minor issues! 1. One of the mounts is approx. 1 1/2" out of position, but thats no issue i'll make a bracket up at work tonight. 2. Where i originally tucked the AIS pipe was in the way of the tank upon refitting. Again no major issue. I was pretty snap happy while i was doing it all, even so it only took me about an hour and a half tops. Really easy too! Here's a link to the photobucket album http://s1294.beta.photobucket.com/user/Paul-Findley/library/DT125X%20Exhaust%20Replacement Once warmed up it sounds alot better than before, much quiter as you'd expect. Revs really nicely as well, sounds like a proper 2 stroke now. Just goes to show you have no idea what some numpty has done before you!!
  5. I was always advised not to bother trying to adjust / replace spokes yourself. Just give them a routine check and if any are loose nip them up gently then get yourself to a professional. I think they can really cause some harm if not adjusted properly, poor handling etc. I'd imagine you could get someone to come out to you, with an alignment machine and all the necessary weights etc. I think you'd really struggle to set them up correctly yourself.
  6. Just been having a look at some part drawings, and as far as I can tell from the part numbers, the exhaust from a Dt125re is the same as the one for the SM version. Any idea if this is true? Found some pattern exhausts on eBay, which are unrestricted, unlike the one i found previously! Also thanks on the paint tip, going to snap a few cans up at the weekend.
  7. There's some on adrenaline pedstop with decent ratings. http://www.adrenalin-pedstop.co.uk/p/High_temperature_exhaust_paint__black-1027.aspx
  8. Yeah that's what I was thinking, may have to give them a tinkle tomorrow. Failing that I'll keep searching!
  9. I'm swaying toward the stock pipe eBay job. Massive difference in price and I prefer the standard black look to the chrome of an aftermarket part. And you're bang on, rotted at the header! Don't suppose you'd mind taking a look at the part on flea bay?
  10. Hi all, firstly apologies for this being my second post but I haven't had a lot of time spare recently. So long story short the stock front pipe on my '07 plate dt125x is in need of some attention. I currently have a Big One silencer fitted with a sleeve over the join. Infor regarding the front pipe is as follows: anti vibration mount has unstuck, causing a bit of a rattle, I think this happened Xmas day when I hit some diesel and dropped her. Doh! This isn't so much of an issue however I found hole in the exhaust yesterday, around 6-8mm wide. I was planning on changing the exhaust anyway just at a later date, so my plan has been moved forward somewhat. So my question is this: which bloody exhaust do I buy for it?! I was settled for a full DEP system, however after some mixed reviews regarding quality, performance gains (if any) and also price. Another obvious choice would be a Big One expansion tank as that should fit onto my silencer without issue. This is also cheaper. However again I have the same queries as with the DEP pipe. And my third option is a supposedly 'derestricted and repainted' stock pipe on eBay for a pretty good price. Any advice/suggestions as to the best course of action? Cheers Paul
  11. Hi all new member in Derby here, 23 years old got into bikes just before christmas. Proud owner of a DT125x!
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