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Everything posted by finnerz89

  1. Yeah mines a fandangled trickle charger that supposedly charges batteries from flat but it doesn't seem to be charging! Been checking the voltage every now and then so will see what happens
  2. Not sure, bike runs ok. Seems like I'll need to get a new battery so will have to see!
  3. Had some trouble tonight with the bike, came to start it after the weekend, battery was flat! Completely dead, not even dim lights on the dash. So bumped it, and took my charger to work, plugged in charger on but not charging. Thinking it's knackered, maybe from being left in the sun all weekend? Only thing I can think of. Any thoughts?
  4. Sweet that's looking nice mate! Didn't have a problem with the expansion chamber rubbing on the tank, but then again yours looks a bit different to mine.
  5. Yeah cheers mate, gonna get everything ordered today!
  6. There's a place in Derby that's free for bikes, they also provide a rail with chains already attached, you just need a padlock! I phoned a multistorey car park about bike parking once, I was told "if you can get around the barrier you can park for free" brilliant haha.
  7. Think I'm decided on DID to be honest. Definitely O ring, possibly X ring. As I do a lot of winter miles it's worth the investment I think. Just need to pick some sprockets now!
  8. Regina seem well priced, you know of anywhere in UK that stock them?
  9. So I'm shaping up to changing the chain and Sprockets on the DT, wondering what brands anyone can recommend? DID seem to be the most popular choice chain wise so think I'm sorted there. Which brands are best for sprockets? JT and sunstar seem very popular.
  10. As long as it's a nice clean connection it shouldn't matter. Radiator mounting bolt is ok, or if you're good with a soldering iron you could connect it to your headlamp earth. Basically anything that leads back to the neutral on the battery=earth
  11. I put a Big One system on my bike (dt 125x) fitted a treat. One of the mounts for the silencer didn't quite line up but it's not been an issue. one thing I would advise is to buy a couple of exhaust gaskets, decent ones at that because mine leaked a bit at first. And also maybe some exhaust putty just in case. One thing I will say about the big one system is that it'll need some looking after, as it rusts quite easily if you get any salt on it. Also maybe check your spark plug colour after fitting it, to make sure you don't need a rejet.
  12. The connector block is behind the speedo, grouped with a load of other cables in a rubber boot. You'll have to remove the front headlight and cowl to get to them.
  13. Haha love those. Trade name is a megger. We used to wire them up to the steel top of the workbench
  14. Haha true 240v is a good pisser, makes your arm tingle for a bit
  15. It's the current that kills you, not the voltage!
  16. I'm definitely a tank drummer, use my bars as cymbals haha. Probably quite entertaining to watch!
  17. Behind your speedo they'll be a 4 pin plug, on the side coming from the loom, there should be 4 cables, one if which isn't connected to anything on the other plug. I believe it's black with a green stripe running down it. Earth that to the frame and you'll get the full rev range. I.e.your powervalve won't shut off at 7000rpm.
  18. That's really nice mate, some nifty machining! You got all the kit at home? I can do small jobs at work but have to be in secret haha. How did you get round the sprocket ratio problem in the end?
  19. I have a 07 plate dt 125x, supermoto version of yours, only non standard thing is full big one exhaust system. Having noticed much difference with the top end since fitting, but makes the powerband much more noticeable. Maybe check your gearing?
  20. finnerz89

    S H E D S

    You need some WiFi too remember, so you can keep up with everything on here!
  21. finnerz89

    S H E D S

    Sweet, how is it for staying coolish in the summer?
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