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Everything posted by ahaywood93

  1. what spindle do you mean hope i dont have to split my engine again
  2. ahhh i didnt adjust the clutch plate screw or line the dots up on there i just put it together and started screwing the springs in do you recon thats why the cluitch puller feels like it dont do anything
  3. when i attach my clutch puller and try pulling my lever nothing happens it just dont feel like anythings happening i think i lost the push rod and bearing when disassembling the engine is that what it would be? and its not sparking for some reason the only earths i did disconnect i have cleaned up and reconnected ive lined the timing up on the transmission cogs the dots are next to each other and the stators seated on the wood ruff key fine its really puzzled me
  4. hmmmm to tell you the truth I've also read something similar somewhere else nev but ive also read it still performs really good ill have to give her a test, ill let you know how it is through the wearing in process and after when i can actually open her up
  5. just waiting on my throttle needle then i can put my plastics back on everything's all sorted now (i hope) you can hardly tell its got a nice 170cc barrel on it
  6. It's only tiny ones not really indented just going to do it to prolong its life and alreaddy tested the play its pretty stiff for the age not 3mm anyway ill grab some sand paper today
  7. yeah im going to file down my basket abit its got some nasty looking grooves in it its all readdy to pretty much go in the frame now cant wait
  8. I have the PDF on my iphone but the plates ive got have no markings and all are pretty much the same shape with no 'cut offs' its the ebc dirt racers clutch kit, spoke to my local shop and he said these type of plates just go in as they hardly cause unbalance no matter how there set up
  9. At work but all the plates are the same but one and thats the one that has the ring inside it ive been told its the second friction plate
  10. been and got my forks from the shop and asked ab out the clutch and was told theres not really a way to do it they just go in going to put it together n ow and should have a fully working bike by tomorrow
  11. pretty much done just need to put the clutch on
  12. ive never setup a bike clutch before i was just wondering on how the plates go?
  13. Must just be from the past owner being to lazy to replace it?
  14. Usually when the bolts have slots in them its for woodruff timing keys
  15. Finally starting to look like a engine
  16. Got it all in first try this morning thank god went to put the casing back together and found out my gasket set didnt have the right one going to get some gasket glue tomorrow and do it then
  17. Alright ill give it ago tomorrow in work till half 10 now
  18. Ive put the bearings in but the gears are so fiddly! I cant seam to get it in the casing i can get it all together outside the casing but as soon as i try to put it in it just dont wanna go in in there a certain way to do it?
  19. top end kit fully assembled and ready to be fitted crank is ready to go in as well my bearings was dispatched last week so ill be expecting them today and i will be fitting them tomorrow just a few pics for a update and pics of my pv to show if it is correctly set up at the start position, i was wondering should i put the air restrictor back on to run the engine in or would it need the amount of air to compensate for the 170 top end.
  20. might just have to get it welded how much would that cost?
  21. yeah im guessing the person who had the bike before me didn't like servicing it ive ordered some grease so next time it will be easy and do you recon i should send it athena to replace the conrod and bearing (still would be 50% cheaper than a oem crank shaft)
  22. thanks, not really these engines are so easy to work with and are engineered so well i ordered last week bearings, ebc racing clutch kit, oem clutch cable, athena 170cc top end, a crank from a 2008 dt 125 ( looks nearly new), complete engine gasket set and oil seals, oils and a few other little bits should beable to rebuild tuesday as im working tomorrow when the parts should come. one thing though the pivot bolt that holds the swing arm and engine in is the worst part of the hole process i recommend a heat gun/ blow torch and hitting it with the hammer a lot, my one was proper stuck in there but i think this happens on loads of bikes as my mates yz125 had the same problem
  23. power valves working perfect and is set up correctly just need to wait for my bearings and put her all back together
  24. yeah i think ive put it inside the barrel wrong the servo tells it to do a cleaning cycle when i switch my ignition on so im guessing i flip it and go from there
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