the RaZoR
A fairly important component! Stroked 4mm to 58mm; re-balanced to suit the Wössner 73mm pistons; PEEK coated big-end bearing cages and thrust washers: Tungsten alloy counterweights: Crazy
DT400 - the big-bang build
No progress on the DT tear-down over Christmas - I've been side-tracked by making a fairing for the 'Ace'. However the parts collection continues - A new can to replace the ugly, restrictive, and heavy original; First three oversizes (just in case!): Crazy
the RaZoR
Yes, but there is method in my madness! Crazy
DT400 - the big-bang build
Some new clutch parts: plus: and: Crazy
the RaZoR
Previous post was in answer to comments (above) by wild foamy and don't make sense out of context. Crazy
the RaZoR
Apologies if my post was responsible for causing excessive arousal! You can imagine how I felt when I first laid eyes on it. Clearance is tight but it will be OK. With the fork springs removed and forks compressed there is about 10mm clearance at full lock. Maximum dive at full lock is not a situation I would like to find myself in! Crazy
the RaZoR
Wide tune and PV for me! My tolerance for bad frights has diminished with age. Crazy
the RaZoR
Chambers won't be ready before the new year but they are looking beautiful so far. I will be able to retain the centre stand and have enough clearance to fit 18 inch wheels: Well worth waiting for! Crazy
DT400 - the big-bang build
Airhead - the pump is from another bike, the bike is currently running on pre-mix. I will be checking the replacement pump and replacing whatever might be necessary. Crazy
DT400 - the big-bang build
I hope to make a start on dismantling the DT over Christmas. In the meantime I've been collecting parts. NOS cylinder fin dampeners: Replacement reeds: Crazy
the RaZoR
dt502001 - There are many options from CPI (and others) for building large capacity twins on Banshee cases but there is a snag when using for a bike rather than for an ATV. They mostly have no power-valve system. This results in a sluggish mid-range with a sudden, vicious rush of power at the top. Some can be set up with a vacuum operated, guillotine-type power valve but this makes matters worse as they have a time-lag between throttle movement and valve operation. This can be tolerated with an ATV or a drag bike but would make a bike super difficult to ride. I'm not much interested in Hp numbers as such, as I am aiming for as wide a power delivery as possible and not a narrow peak kind of motor. That said, I would be surprised and somewhat disappointed if something in the vicinity of 90 Hp wasn't achieved. New cranks are available from several sources but it is most critical that they are set up perfectly and are modified to achieve the best balance possible. I will post more on crank issues if you want but it will take some time before I can ferret through my files. Crazy
1976 DT175C
It's good to see another old DT being revived! Whatever the capacity they're more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Crazy
the RaZoR
AndtDtr08 - CP Industries manufacture monoblocks in a range of bore/stroke combinations for the ATV crowd in the USofA: http://www.cpindinc.com/ dt502001 - The extra 4mm stroke (to 58mm) with the 73mm bore gives 485cc. I don't think Banshee cases have any particular advantage; I just didn't want to risk building this rather extreme motor on second-hand cases. The power valve is still being developed, but it is a throttle controlled blade type. There are still some detail design issues to resolve, but the direction ahead is (mostly!) known. Thanks for your interest, Crazy
the RaZoR
AndyDtr08 - undergoing a bit of a hiatus with the RaZoR at the moment as the engineer building the chambers has possession of the interesting bits! The photo below gives an indication of where I'm heading. It shows the frame (before additions) with crankcase, barrels, etc., fitted to check clearances. The cases are from Banshee machined to accept Calvin Pollet barrels with a 73mm bore. The carbies are Keihin FCRs. The crank being fitted has been stroked 4mm. Crazy
the RaZoR
The damper works really well because it has three different adjustment to tailor its response to your requirements. Crazy