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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    happy anniversary Drew, sounds just the same symptoms I had last week, cleaned the carbs now running fine
  2. just put the casing back on, the side you took off has no oil in also put back any bolts you removed from the clutch side the (side you couldn't get off) if that is still the case you should be ok to put the oil back in, also check your forks give them a good clean and smear a bit of oil the stanchion unless you have gaiters on in that case just push down on the handle bars a few time to compress the suspension and take your battery off & give it a charge
  3. Hi Suz I'm not that far from you and ride through Deeside alot when i ride into north wales I never owned a cruiser but a bikes a bike and I do like to fettle ( with bike's) I could pop in sometime if you like and take a look, have a cup of tea & um & rrr alot, there's people on here who will be able to help with things like with exhaust to buy and such but if you need a hand PM me edit also checkout are you willing to help thread in the bar
  4. Hi Rob & welcome to the crazy world of YOC
  5. Hi matt XJ600s is a nice bike
  6. assuming it started, ticked over then stopped! and that it was running fine before, first check oil level then spark plug gap if there's no problem there then it must be the valves, when you say you did a valve job what exactly did you do was it new valves or just the clearances,
  7. have you seen it Sacha!!
  8. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    yeah the XJ's are prone to clutch rattle but I think you just have to live with it.
  9. welcome back Willis, haven't got a clue but someone will know
  10. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    Its hard to tell on my laptop but think iv'e heard others like that, have you checked the timing chain tensioner. have a look on youtube I bet there's load's of clips like your's
  11. I clean mine when my mrs is in a Bad Mood!! its gets me out of the way I have a very very clean bike
  12. that's a fantastic little bike for your daughter to learn on, I'm sure she'll love it, all the more special as it was your first bike! wish I still had mine
  13. Wow good story!! Welcome to Yoc
  14. I take it you didn't pick that up on your bike? So it would have been a lot cheaper to arrange a Courier to pick it up for you but if you enjoyed the day out then its all good
  15. hope you get a good price foams they can fetch good money, if karma has anything to do with it some drunken arse-hole will put his month's pay on it
  16. Wow it's over a tenner now!! That's more than I paid for my one of a Kind Tshirt I'm out
  17. hey you can't bid on you'r own stuff
  18. yeah!! I'm the highest bidder if I get it for a pound it will be a bargain! hehehe
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