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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. only just finished messing with the chain see you all in the morning
  2. we are the daytrippers Drew .........Daytripper yeah!! It took me so long to find out, but I found out I've still got to go back out to the garage and find a spare split link co's I noticed the one on my bike looked like its ready to fall apart if I can't find it I'll have to take the one off my other bike which is buried under a garage full of shite!! wish I checked my bike earlier now F#ck f#ck & double F#ck!
  3. Just reading back through this post you do seem very concerned about Big Dave poor Big Dave won't be biting any nails for a while
  4. Weather is crap here! anyone heard from the guys on the road ?
  5. Hi & welcome to YOC! Hammerfan..........(can't touch this)
  6. thank's Bipp I've had enough sleepless nights lately
  7. look's very likely just have to check my bike over today and if he's still good in the morning I'll be on my way, just for the day
  8. not even tempted to press the play button, Noise! I drank all the bleach when someone suggested kev wear a mankini
  9. OK Drew pm'ed you, think I'm going to make it, day trip only but better than no trip, see you all there.
  10. A 42 stone sexy girlfriend!!! that's some imagination you have there noise, keep taking the medication mate
  11. Just managed to get him out this morning for first walk since his O.D, It took me 30 mins to do a ten min walk cos hes just sniffing everything in sight, really think he's though the worse now
  12. one good thing about that tank is it will give you a good range ,sometime's cosmetic's aren't practical especial when fuel station's seem to be closing down all over, also you can change the tank anytime in the future and maybe keep that one for longer trips
  13. looks like you will be going on your passolla afterall Kev
  14. LOL Kev, I've learn't him a few tricks over the years but I'm not taking the glory for that one
  15. Hi & Welcome, that's all we ask is to contribute and honesty is always the best policy (except when your mrs asked does my bum look big in this)
  16. what a guy and its nice he's still being talked about, the legend live's on
  17. ha ha ha talk about resilience in dogs, he's just been trying to hump his bed I think this is a good sign but I'm not really sure ? we had him done over 7 years ago, no balls, no spleen just got to admire his spirit!!
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