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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    yeah imagine it going when you was giving it wellie on the ride out!!could have had to give you a lift home with faulty brake's
  2. Me to co's I didn't fancy eating my helmet if you had managed to make it look good
  3. what you mean the'res a mrs Grouch you kept that Quiet is she no good with a spanner ?
  4. no not the same one lallasro, Twatsville isn't near the ocean
  5. Well I don't know how that happened I can't remember ever winning anything except on ebay then I have to pay though! this is free isn't it thanks guys for being such good looser's
  6. Glad to see you've not forgot her Drew
  7. yes we could have done that last week when we were all up at squire's
  8. Nice to see you back Grouch
  9. your gonna need a bigger car park soon foamy
  10. bike looks cool mate & that toaster could look good on the right bike say a cafe racer
  11. have you put the toaster up in the for sale forum ? someone might buy it
  12. hey foams that car park must be getting full! or have you sold the kia ?
  13. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    hey drew forgot to get any pics of the FZ at squire's, do the honours
  14. WTF do you want speekers for! just sing your the king
  15. No I've changed my mind the toaster is growing on me
  16. or you could use your old chip pan oil instead of derv should smell nice too MMMM Chips
  17. hey look Drew you just can't help some people
  18. well its twice as long as mine was I think I just said Hi
  19. Good luck Twincle personally I would go through the insurance not worth the hassle of sorting it out and to make sure its done properly as to not affect the resale value. OK yes they will screw you for the next 5 years even with protected no claims but you should get an engineers report to make sure nothing else has been damaged like steering etc also if the stand has been bent its also possible that there is damage to the frame
  20. welcome & Hi Q. Enjoy the forums, remember the more you put in the more you get out
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