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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. I was looking back at some of the old threads on here a while ago and came across an early Grouch thread which had tears running down my face it was so funny don't know if anyone remember's it, its the one where his neighbor put grease on his brake to stop it squeaking and I was just wondering if anyone else remembers any classics like that which I have missed
  2. Welcome back to the forum Dave I wasn't on here in 08 so you won't remember me
  3. Tommy xs

    Meme challenge

    I was so temped to post the mankini pic here & show the Wild Foamy in his natural habitat but thought better of it as I'm still having nightmare's
  4. yeah scary stuff alright ,the first bike he hit it was biker's fault for being a dick then you can't see what happened when he stopped but something must have scared the shit out of him to take off like that with your kid in the car! never a cop when you need one
  5. Brilliant news drew soon be done.
  6. Kev!This guys only 17 have you not seen the news lately just hope he has a sense of humour
  7. I think when you sign out, your out as it were, but when you click back to the site it auto signs you back in well I assume that's how it works it's bit like not knowing if the fridge light has gone out when you close the door
  8. so is it you like having to sign in or being anonymous
  9. Fantastic why didn't I think of that
  10. yeah Owen tuck down & get your elbows in, if pos get a mate to take a pic and post it here sound like it would look really funny on a cruiser! I love this question the replies alway's make me laugh
  11. Tommy xs

    off roading

    thought you'd been having fun on your passola to be honest!!
  12. Tommy xs

    off roading

    Is this hypothetical Kev or are you in the Shit ? oh & yes Dogging is a criminal offence just thought I'd add that bit but I'm sure you already know
  13. Think you missed the pun there Drew "bearing in mind the crankcase you'll be hard pressed" ah never mind!!
  14. can't imagine what one would look like you'll have to post a pic
  15. you'll be hard pressed to get this finished for christmas
  16. Tommy xs

    1976 DT175C

    What's up Foam's truth hurt edit hey Foam's recognize this I find that to be a tad hurtfull, i am nothing but respectfull to all our members, regardless of gender or hotness
  17. So your sorted for Stafford going to look a my brake tomorrow! fingers crossed its something simple what date is it on ?
  18. Wow bip a rotsky sounds like a handful
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