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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. hey foams why not post pic without the tank and some measurements someone on here may then be able to give you an idea of what might fit or maybe even have a tank for you.
  2. that's a project alright!!
  3. maybe tapatalk has a drewpy filter
  4. When is the mot Drew? could we do a run out next sunday if your up to it
  5. I must say I was surprised but stop making up excuses Slice we can all see you liked that
  6. Tommy xs

    Betty is gone

    WTF are you thinking! summer's coming and your gonna be in the man-shed for most of it
  7. take pics as you go so you can check its going back in the right order
  8. Tommy xs

    I'm an idiot!

    I have to bring back lorne sausage every time i go to Scotland for my daughter she's mad on the stuff can't see why myself.
  9. you've got a Haynes manual its a good time to get your hands dirty, get the back wheel off, pull off the brake & give it a good clean. your gonna have to start somewhere and at least its not your new bike. plenty of help on here and if I ever get stuck I look it up on youtube 9 out of ten time someone has posted a vid on how to do it.
  10. yes Slice you are missing something! but the good news is you can get a replacement on ebay but its gonna cost you twice as much as it would of in January
  11. Tommy xs

    I'm an idiot!

    or you could get Drew to push start you but don't forget the kill switch like I did hehehe
  12. yes Jim one that will happen & will probably be my last
  13. Nice vid captf you do realize you've shown all the bike thieves in manchester area where your going to be parking you pride & joy while your in work! not on here maybe but on youtube, hope you have a good lock on it
  14. whoops sorry I thought they were handcuffs
  15. Hey slice we don't won't to know what you get up to in the bedroom!
  16. A fiver Wow that was a bargain the good thing about it being local was I could sneak off after work, pick it up & mrs xs is none the wiser
  17. I just wired mine to the positive wire from the ignition behind the headlight they have a relay built into the controller on the grips, mine work fine only when the ignition is on though
  18. I've been on the look out for a cdi unit for a while as the one I have on my second bike is a restricted version from Germany (long story) anyway they normally go for around £50 to maybe £80 pounds I got one off ebay with a spare engine and other stuff for £70, I was well chuffed the guy nearly fell over when I said was only really after the cdi and would have paid him £50 just for thathttp://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281622978341?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  19. I'll leave that in your capable hands Drew, I'm almost as bad as Kev when it comes to directions! hey there's an Idea we could follow kev that will be the long way round
  20. black is easier to touch up! hopefully you won't need too though
  21. I know Drew but we're almost there when we stop and also its a little chef!! plus the fact I almost rode my bike through the window on my first visit
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