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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. You can loan him yours John but you'll get them back rounded off
  2. Done mine Grouchy these worked for me http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/381660216990?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT very handy with your track record
  3. No rush as long as I can get it done before end of august.
  4. You're not on yer own here Grouch I've got the same problem I'm hoping drewpy can weld an old spanner or something similar to it as I don't want to fuck it any more than I already have
  5. Have you seen the "are you willing to help" thread in the bar
  6. Have you got any accessories on the bike like heated grips ? Only asking cos mine melted my fuses which can also cause problems further down the loom and can be a bugger to find.
  7. Sounds like wiring gremlins to me, I had a similar problem a couple years ago, spark was also very weak. It turned out to be those white wires from the static coil were oil soaked and when tested separately appeared to be fine but was bleeding current across, once I changed the wires problem solved,
  8. Hi yes try using you're user name instead of your email then you're password
  9. Yeah get yer welder out John
  10. Met up with Drewpy today & went to Wombwell (the show with go ) after a pitstop at the Oil can cafe in Holmfirth. Weather was good apart from fog over the hills on the way, great to see Drew again as this was my first propper day out on the bike this year. I can't believe I've missed half the summer, anyway had really enjoyable day and a couple of sessions on the track without getting lapped this time so I must be getting a bit better.
  11. I remember a different pic! Just wish I didn't Good luck mate with whatever you decide to do
  12. I can't make it, family holiday straight after IOM for me or my life won't be worth living.
  13. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YAMAHA-XVS125-DRAGSTAR-FUEL-TANK-XVS-125-BREAKING-2001-/252259211856?hash=item3abbd21a50:g:OxUAAOSwUV9Wn8a5
  14. Hi my xs400 has different jets on each, I think its something to do with the air intake although it is all one box there's more flow on one side hence different jets
  15. Dib dib dib well done Drewps
  16. Welcome Mick, look forward to seeing this in projects, sounds a long time left outside though, maybe more trouble than its worth they don't command the prices of the RDs
  17. Think its time for a triumph then
  18. The real worrying part of this pic is your shadow or am I reading to much into this!
  19. & to think of all the sunny days you Missed in the Summer when you thought it was going to rain!
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