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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. I think he's heard a noise from the motor! its not why he chose the wrong side, he's done that because that's the side of the gear change so in his mind that's where the clutch was, must have had the haynes manual upside down, he been looking at it for a month
  2. Tommy xs


    my wife has lists for everything, post it notes everywhere! I've started writing notes to remind her to read her reminder notes
  3. I think you can still change it james/bobber
  4. I hope it is just the bolt but you did also mention a rattling noise from clutch area ? impact driver one of the first tools I bought when I first got into bikes, very worth while investment still have my original one from 1981 don't know how do a link to ebay but if you type in Impact Hand Driver Screwdriver 1/2" 13 Piece Metal And Case Hilka 11670013 you'll see what your looking for
  5. once you tighten the gear lever on if all is ok you should be able to test without starting up, just pull the clutch in and select the gears it may help to sit astride the bike and rock it gently forth & back while selecting through the gears
  6. if you still have to take the clutch cover off! do you own an impact driver or has your mate got one ? its a special screwdriver that you hit with a lump hammer, it turns the screw when you hit it. I think your problem getting cover off could be down to using low quality or worn tools if head is damaged you may have to try and hacksaw a slit in top of screw, advise getting hold of an impact driver and make sure its set to turn anticlockwise when you hit it, this is done by holding it at both ends compressing it together and twisting then push down on handle to see which way its turning if its turning wrong way compress and twist other way
  7. grouch you'll also need to put the bolts/screws back in on clutch cover side so you don't spring a leek
  8. nice pics though grouch put it back together with old gasket for now a take other side off don't let this put you off, you just lean't somthing, don't give up
  9. the pic you posted in gallery looks closer
  10. Even if you managed to bend it in without weakening it you clutch might not disengage properly
  11. very nice bike john looks the bizz
  12. welcome chris, you are definitely in the right place enjoy the forum
  13. Tommy xs


    well I Can't anyone with half a brain would have fixed it bye now, It must over a month now and you still haven't even took the clutch cover off to have a look, seem's to me you invite comment's like this, pay more attention to your bike and less to provoking comment's that make people feel sorry for you, get your F#kin act together grouch
  14. Tommy xs

    bad back

    ibuprofen! if your planning a long ride take 2 half an hour before, works for my sciatica LOL
  15. that reminds of my Dad back in the early 80s, warning me not to get a big single for the very same reason LoL he's no longer with us but his thoughts are always with me, thanks for sharing that Steve.
  16. Tommy xs

    S H E D S

    tis bigger than my house!!
  17. foamy that only refers to the actual fork stanchion width's, doesn't refer to whether they will fit on the frame, I had a look on ebay & the steering head bearings are the same as XJ 550, so should fit if your previous was wright, if you could send me some dimension's I will compare at weekend when I take them off.
  18. Hi Lilchef, welcome to yoc enjoy the forum mate!
  19. sorry for having another pop grouch but I just can't resist I always nod but not to people on mountain bike's
  20. Tommy xs

    S H E D S

    Ha ha so many members passing! Sorry mate I forgot congrats again I am getting forgetful in my old age you need to update your avatar LoL
  21. I think yellow will look the biz in sunny Spain Lew! good luck with the new bike.
  22. Hi Jason & Welcome to YOC start a thread in project's sound's like a good one to follow
  23. Tommy xs

    S H E D S

    Welshy is there something your not telling us ? Hint!!!!!!!!!!! L PLATES
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