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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. Hi & welcome to yoc forums, hope you have liked what you have seen so far! this forum in particular is were we have a chat about all sorts of things, like have a bit of a laugh, talk about our bikes life in general all kinds of stuff, another forum you may be interested in is the new member's welcome forum which is where new members such as your good self can introduce themselves. We're not intrusive' well most of us anyway, just a bit about you and your interest you'll find you will get a lot more response once you have done this. Thing to remember here is the more you put in, the more you get out good luck with the bike
  2. bring's a whole new meaning to "couldn't get rid of him quick enough"
  3. I've managed to fit a flux capacitor to my 400 but i'm scared to go faster than 85 mph
  4. foamy you've gotta stop using beer carton's for mockup on the fucr project, it's costing you a fortune! stick this in the garage till after squires or may end up riding it there.
  5. WTF has the post office got to do with it ?
  6. I can still remember going on the back of my dad's shooting star age 7. For the first time, the ride only last about 10 mins but the memory a lifetime and bikes in the blood ever since. well done that dad!
  7. also it could look quite threatening if just chose someone at random and started doing the motions.
  8. that doesn't make her a headcase foams she sound's normal to me, that just women for you! what you need is a very special women, one who's into bike's and will mother you. now bippo is a lovely girl but i'm afraid she out of your league. don't think she's the mothering type either tbo .
  9. Tommy xs

    Run Foamy run.

    OK foamy hows it going! not heard anything on this in a while. what about an update mate.
  10. if your mounting them from the inside the only time you would need to remove them is if they were broken co's you'll have to remove lamps & holders first from the inside anyway as long as you can get to lamp holders there's no problem i'd just silicone them in, using clear sillicone, you can always cut to the seal if you do need to get them out
  11. Have you worn out the latest mrs Foamy already ?
  12. wasn't that foamy doing the tossing!!
  13. another piece of the jigsaw lookin good drewps
  14. Welcome to both of you, stay within your comfort zone and gradually gain appearance and confidence it will come with time.
  15. hey outlaw I was hoping that someone with such a cool name and had taken the time to add an avatar pic could take some friendly advice from a fellow xs400 owner. I'm sure if you gave this site a chance you'd find it very rewarding the'res a wealth of information on here and they are without exception a great bunch, I would just like to say its never to late to do an intro and I'm sure you'd get a warm welcome.
  16. twincle I didn't mean you, your a little star
  17. just done it clark ,hope she gets to 2000 sigs she needs good luck.
  18. Hi & Welcome Andy, nice intro
  19. I'm sure you'll find that is correct at least 98% of the time
  20. Alien abduction gotta be, the're probably do medical research on him hope the're not probing for technical info!!
  21. there's a lot to consider, for starters I imagine it would have a heaver sprocket and unless the width of to swing-arm's are the same & the Hubs, you will need custom made spacers so the sprockets align, then you would have to figure out if you can change the front sprocket & chain suppose it could be done but like chazillor said WHY!! much easier to follow bippos advice tyre's
  22. I just sit there patiently waiting, Drewpy on the other hand like's to sail straight through red lights doesn't even look forward as as he goes apparently its my fault for not giving him the thumbs up
  23. yeah really nice, pity you'll have to spoil it with a number plate!
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