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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. Small world ! Hi Josh Welcome to YOC
  2. Foamy stop F#cking The Obvious (FTO) and get project FUCR finnished !!
  3. Hi mac, which company is that with sounds like a bargain.
  4. another interesting day, went to manchester got sprayed with oil! turned round, headed for home via Knutsford, Great Budworth, really nice ride back actually would have enjoyed it more if my visor hadn't been sprayed with oil. hope your bikes OK Drew. I got home just before the showers started.
  5. my wife drive's a Mitsibishi! well I thought if they were good enough for Japanese suicide pilots then there good enough for her
  6. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    I like it, those wheels look hot
  7. Hi beluga boy & welcome to YOC. Don't think anyone else has admitted to having one but your not alone when it comes to drunken bids on Ebay, nice excuse by the way sorry I mean intro enjoy the forum & good luck with the bike
  8. well its not a ride i've done but given the chance I would love to do the opening scene from the italian job obviously I wouldn't want the mafia waiting for me with a bulldozer but really liked the music Matt Munro on day like these, the Bike again never had one but my choice sorry not a Yamaha but a Norton Comando goes back to my Dad and his twin brother they always had brit bikes and it was my uncle Tom who had a Camando, I always looked up to him as a kid and thought his bike was always the coolest and wanted one ever since, one day Tom one day
  9. I got caught out a few weeks ago heading for squire's & my clutch lever came undone! back in march I was riding along & realized I couldn't change down I thought I'd been Grouched & my gearbox was f#cked but when I checked it was an engine mount bolt sticking out under the gear shift. I do try to do regular checks but you can only check so much and when the weather's hot you just won't to get out & ride
  10. No foams I still need the shirt off you For correct spelling!"I told you i was lisdecsic
  11. thats a nice little bike someone's gonna be happy sorry not much help regarding listing as i'm like you, normally I just buy foamy should be able to give you some pointer he's are Ebay spert
  12. should really start a new thread for this called did anyone do anything stupid today. this is what i done trying to be a smart-arse, thought I would do my own YOC T-shirt, personalize it by drawing a pic of my bike on it well I personalized it alright! I am now the one and ONLY member of the YAMAHA ONWERS CLUB. well I thought about keeping this to myself but if you dish it out you have to be able to take it and it cost me about a tenner so I'm gonna f#ckin wear it. so your bound to find out sooner or later probably sooner as Drewpy and I are heading to Lotherton hall on sunday so look out for the photos when we get back
  13. or maybe you just got a dodgy pump in the hot weather ? could happen
  14. Yes that should impress the ladies foams why not put your XZ together as it is, shouldn't take much to get it through an mot! maybe give it a temporary mat black paint job, would suit rat bike me thinks & you would enjoy the ride up much better go on you can do it you still got loads of time and you can do the F.U.C.R later
  15. so how are you getting your tent to squire's then foam's, maybe have a word in the right ear and you can parachute in hehehe,
  16. I've always been good at taking things apart, its putting them back together without having bits left over where I struggle lol
  17. Hi Rab one of our mods wildfoamy has had the same problem see project f.u.c.r,he hasn't managed to find any but can rule out some if you do find some that fit, post it on his project it will help him out. good luck ps he may also have part's as he is turning his into a cafe racer
  18. welcome to the YOC! bit of a dog ? I Don't believe it Margret
  19. Hi Claude & welcome to yoc, lots of interesting bike you have
  20. keep up the good work Noise! you'll get there
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