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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. start them early! Welcome Ross enjoy the forum
  2. might manage a day trip but after the disaster i had last time I'm not sure, keeping my options open til last minute but don't think it would be fair on mrs xs to leave her to look after him all weekend, really do want to go though!
  3. hang on there dt your calling us sick bastards but on your profile pic it looks like you have a massive erection
  4. He's getting there bipp, managing more food, Vet said the're happy his progress and they don't need to see him for 2 weeks still a bit unsteady on his back legs but it should heel in time. I've finally heard from the pet insurance and the're paying the first £2500 & I intend to argue anything more with the vets as this last episode is down to them he's very slowly getting back to his old self, fingers crossed!
  5. thanks guys the I knew about the white fish but the mash is a new one on me
  6. great, looking forward to seeing you finish this
  7. Good luck Kev, hope you make it! Dwelvis will be so disappointed if you don't and maybe slightly relieved and if he isnt well foamy can take care of that
  8. I was going to say I'm as sick as a dog to miss this but i'm not quite.
  9. Foams you dumb fuck! just ride in the general direction for an hour then turn on your gps if you have my Tshirt Foams & I don't make it,can you pass it to Drew, I'll get it from him on the Stafford Run Cheers. Drew please keep hold of that patch for me
  10. you gonna get back on this after squire's Drew ?
  11. Thank's Jimmy we tried to switch him to chappie week before last, then when we were in scotland he started throwing up so I had to go the Vets in Oban and buy some prescription diet food at £2.50 a can. were are switching on to Chappie again as his appetite for it is much better since he's now detoxing and will definitely get him on the chicken & rice as we've used that before he's had a stomach ulcer and peritonitis since his opp so have had to be really careful with his diet he's a lot better tonight apparently he's suffered some nerve damage as a result of the drugs and they've said it will take a while for him to recover
  12. Drew don't think I'll make this one been looking forward to this all year but just can't leave my boy if anything changes I'll let you know but I'm almost certain I won't be there
  13. been there done that still trying to get rid of the residue
  14. yes Kev been through all that every time we tried to up his food a bit he'd throw up, but since they have stopped the med which he'd been over prescribed he seems to be able to keep moor down, little & often so we can fit it round his other med's
  15. I Liked DT 50's tip in another thread where he lay the wheel down on an old carpet, placed a board on the tire up to rim then drove his truck on it to break the seal, now you could do that without even spilling your tea or whatever
  16. your not getting soft mate but it's only something a dog owner really understands
  17. yeh Drew the tumor was 6.4k in weight then we've had problems feeding him between all the med's as some have to be taken before food then there are time limits between different med's and he was throwing up anything other than small amounts of food, but we have managed to increase this yesterday and so far today he is showing signs of improvement Bipp and I'm sure this will improve now he's managing to eat more. DT 50 I'm still to confront the vet, just concentrating on getting him well as the moment but be sure to have a few choice words when the bill comes in (edit tumor was 6.7 lb in weight)
  18. Thank's guys, looking at a dog forum it looks like it can take up to 2 weeks believe it or not and not all dogs make it just holding on to any hope at the moment he's come so far with what he's been through he's still holding his own, he's one strong little feller I know some would say to let him go but I have to give him a chance after coming so far.
  19. Sorry Guy's its the devil in me when i'm bored, I'm off work today co's Chunk my dog is sick again which make me doubtful for the weekend I'm afraid, I'll see how he goes and let you know
  20. I think I may have cracked the yoc love triangle code ? (yoc LT meaning is there any chance of a blow job) (yoc LT meaning, hey! you don't need that bitch, i'll give you a hand job) (yoc LT meaning, Im a taker not a giver!!)
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