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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. not got a welder myself but in the past I've used the whack it with a hammer Technic! sounds desperate but can work, it just shock's the alloy a bit so you can get mole grips on or as you say cut a slot in it
  2. http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5636448.htm http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5636417.htm http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5636273.htm I never have any spare cash when I see stuff like this
  3. trickle charger might be a good idea
  4. Merry Christmas everyone Why the Antlers ? well it is Christmas and this is one dear dog
  5. Tommy xs

    New toy :D

    I enjoyed that John, I was leaning round the bends watching that, mrs xs thought I was going to fall off the sofa
  6. in some ways it was Grouch, it was one of the first yamaha road bike's to have monoshock suspension the motor is basically half of an xj motor with YICS, in other ways it was old school as it was the last of the aircooled twins more's the pity! came out around the same time as the RD350 LC which was always the preferred choice of the boy racers of the day (KEV) I chose it over the rd because I always liked four strokes and the mpg was much better.
  7. nice find, sounds like a bargain! good luck with it
  8. Yes mine is the DOHC totally different bike from the SOHC never give me any problems except when the battery died, then I used the Drewpy start, which is have Drewpy push you up & down a garage forecourt till you remember to flick the killswitch back on hahaha
  9. worst website for Foamy = ebay
  10. was going to say bad looser but you didn't enter!! so Newcastle doesn't have internet yet ?
  11. sick bast#rd! not you Kev
  12. Grouch my bike is over 30 years old with no kick start & still on first starter motor and I'm sure they have improved since.
  13. Last day of work for me today till after new year, have a good one everyone
  14. Nice write up Bippo, both the thread & the bike! well done, glad your back safe & sound
  15. how about a dirty weekend in Blackpool
  16. Lee I don't understand the bribe must have got held up in the xmas post well done Paul, think I said 66
  17. I'm not sure Mr Shaw if you saw Mr Shaw this thread is about stolen bikes and the the like's of cause Mr Shaw if your sure Mr Shaw you could open the door Mr Shaw or go to the shore Mr Shaw like before Mr Shaw I swore I never saw Mr Shaw Edit sorry to many beer's
  18. katie you dropped an S it should read Oh yeah, show us your skini Foamy!
  19. go for it Ryan its what we like to see, more money than sense, could I sell you the turbo off my vacuum cleaner £500 bargain!!
  20. Tommy xs

    xs250 rebuild

    keep looking on ebay a cheap none runner will come along
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