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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. are you going next year John ? I might need someone with a petrol can & plenty of wd40
  2. Tommy xs

    Fake or not ?

    Yes dt50 I did read it, but that my opinion as I've never seen anything like that happen with a spark plug, you maybe right or it might be a myth as Slice refered to to protect ngk. I buy my spark plugs from my local bike shop but who knows he might be ordering them from ebay!
  3. Would be great to see some YOC members in IOM, If anyone wants more details of time's of travel & meeting up, PM either Me or Drewpy
  4. Hi unk welcome to YOC, not far from you in Runcorn, xs250 was my first bike fond memory's what year is it
  5. Tommy xs

    Fake or not ?

    there was a post on here how to tell the difference, one was the colour of the box was a ligther shade of yellow but you'd need an original bow to compare it too can't remember the other differences I think its more of a worry for the 2Ts, with 4 stroke's I think they either work or their dud. Let us know how you get anyway slice
  6. could be a lot of things start with the electrics as Andy said, could be fuel problem, vacuum maybe! could be fuel in your oil you could need a new spark plug could need a new bike,
  7. I forgot to check out Bippo's iron butt at Squires, I must be getting old
  8. perfect timing Drew with Foamy's birthday coming up, wonder if they make anything for oral sex!!!
  9. Nice to see you back again Grouch. Stick around this time I always enjoy your input, guaranteed a smile every time
  10. they should make them that shape, save a lot of hassle when you drop yer bike
  11. Tommy xs


    Thank's for posting Drew as meatloaf said I would have missed it too.
  12. Been a really good summer, I managed to get out loads and hope to again tomorrow, like you meatloaf I'm self employed so don't get to commute. I've only just put the liner back in my jacket, not bad for October!, I dont put my bike away for the winter I just use it a lot less and shorter trips, hopefully we'll get a mild winter and I can get out more. Your right about non bikers, my mates say I'm in a mid life crisis, I say how!! when I'm still riding the same bike I bought in 1982. and I still get home with that grin.
  13. makes a brilliant read he should write a book but I don't think anyone would believe one person could be so ------- fill in the blank, I was going to say unlucky but there's more to it than that!! sorry grouch but you know we all love yer.
  14. I've entered, nice try Andy with the old links not working, come on you didn't really think I'd fall for that did you
  15. sorry been staring at this for 30 mins and I can't see him great pic NSD, it says it all
  16. have to agree Foams first time I saw it, I was watching Tv with Mrs XS and she turned to me and said WTF I had to rewind it as I wasn't really paying attention and I thought it was the kids in the bath at the end, now that would have been Dark!!
  17. Hey drew give me a shout nearer the time, prob Ok for sunday not sure yet about sat yet.
  18. typo John, not much better but should read into the back
  19. Mine is size L and can you put my username on the back please
  20. That sounds good but are there any bike event's on from aug to beginning of sept ?
  21. Thanks everyone think I'm going with the vaseline for now as I already have some & I think I might be a bit red faced in the chemist asking for the ky jelly I will look out for some dielectric grease on ebay, see how stupid the price is then use the vaseline
  22. well I'll go for first weekend sept that's friday 4th till sun 6th cos me & drew can go straight there after IOM yey
  23. Now that sounds like a plan,me and Drew are already booked,if you want to go better book it soon as it sell's out fast, works out about £200 for yer ferry & campsite for a week
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