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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    I finally found a nos cdi for mine on ebay for the price of a secondhand one, good things come to those who wait!
  2. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    You've still got time, wish I could be more help but you know a hell of alot more than I do when it comes to this sort of thing, I'm shure you'll work it out
  3. seen on the news its getting bigger makes you wonder how safe the roads are would be great to have one of those drones for IOM or Squires lot of cash for a decent one though I expect.
  4. Tommy xs

    OH bugger !

    I would take it to a tyre repair place and ask their advise
  5. Tommy xs

    model info

    maybe its greek for one hit wonder!
  6. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    How's it going Drew?
  7. Or you could just flip your monitor on its side
  8. Got yer hands full there bipp, I sometimes feel like chunk is a full time job but wouldn't change him for the world.
  9. Just been looking back at this old thread, can't believe its two years on. The good news is Chunk had his tenth birthday a couple of days ago and he's still going strong.
  10. Tommy xs

    Fz600 Gulf

    How's it going Drew, have you got her mot'd yet?
  11. Tommy xs


    Looking good lal, how's the rest of the bike coming along?
  12. I still haven't got through to Jurby yet got home late from work due to a tanker on fire on the M56 will try tomorrow
  13. Thanks bippo think I'm gonna go with the black for practical reasons also not on in the pic the grab rails are black which look out of place with the white.
  14. Oil may drop after you first fill but after you topped it up to the correct level it shouldn't go up futher have you dropped any of the oil a second time if so did if look normal in consistency, it could be contaminated with petrol! Also .are you sure yor bike has carbs?
  15. No I don't. Need lacquer with this paint two problems with the white seat first its a bit hard second as slice said and it is already starting to look a bit grubby after sitting on my project bike in the garage for about a year.
  16. well I had another go at painting my bike today not really happy with it but it will do for now,still got to wet sand it yet and fix a few blemishes. not sure about the white seat though it might grow on me, it a an impulse buy from ebay only £20 and it did give me the idea for this paint scheme as it looked horrible on the all blue bike white seat black seat
  17. Tommy xs


    I don't know what your using lal but I used this and was impressed as gives nice finish and is petrol resistant http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00C2S4ZTA?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_sfl_title_5&smid=A3GUJZC51M4L0M
  18. mine was 81 and it was a bit faster than my mates 250 superdream
  19. incase anyone needs help finding Squires obviously not Kev or John!! but maybe new members not been before http://www.squires-cafe.co.uk/how_to_find_us/index.asp
  20. Hi Paul welcome to YOC this is the new members welcome section, basically to introduce yourself, it would better to post this in the workshop section you'll more responce
  21. Great to see this thread moving again and so much interest in it, hope to see you all there at some point over the weekend. Looks like we may get even more members this year than the record last year, bit gutted I won't be there for all of it but I may not still be married when I get home if I do.
  22. Had a really good day, first time at this show, really well organized & friendly other shows could learn a lot from this one Defo do this again next year, brill roads round there too.
  23. Tommy xs

    Mobius cam

    No I'm not forkin out to watch you riding round IOM
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