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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. They do look a bit expensive but could be just what Grouch needs, less space than a shed and if he moves house he can take it with him, may be able to get one cheaper on a bid instead of a buy it now.
  2. How about something like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Waterproof-Motorcycle-Motorbike-Bike-Outdoor-Scooter-Cover-Covers-Shelter-Garage-/142117403328?hash=item2116db7ac0:g:NHoAAOSwstxVS689
  3. Those prices sound about average as Slice said as for tyer's battalax have a good rep, if you've been happy with them up to now stick with them.
  4. Have you got rid of those L plates yet Grouch ? They seem to act like a magnet to trouble on the road. In my opinion its like the dickheads think they can blame you for everything because in their eyes you're just a learner. You can improve the level of road users simply by passing your test. Probably cheaper in the long run than Katie's brilliant suggestion with the Goat.
  5. I was just working, did get out on Friday though went to visit my sisters in Llandudno really nice ride out but I didn't take any pics as I don't think my sisters would be very happy with me if I did.
  6. Looking like the XS for me unless you can do buy it now pay twelve months later fin ha ha
  7. I believe you Kev, they probably didn't have cameras when you was in school anyway
  8. Very tidy Drew, you got plenty of time to get it just the way you want before the biggy
  9. Good luck Drew, take yer waterproofs Not jealous honest
  10. Me thinks you take this way to seriously, lighten up when I say I don't usually reply to 1st time post I mean those without an intro first, you can feel as sorry as you like but don't waste pitty on me, this is a friendly site and we for the most part all get along and if I make an error of judgement I'll admit it but don't think you can judge me on that as you don't know me, seems to me all you want is an argument when all I was trying to do when I answered your post was help. I don't feel or see myself as superior to anyone else who use's this site but as a member I don't like to see it littered with O,H,W threads which make it harder for genuine people to find answer's, speaking of which this thread has become one of those thread that is no help to anyone, bye
  11. Tommy xs

    Henry Cole

    At the risk of sounding predictable Guy Martin or Foggy
  12. Hi glad to see you back, look's like you're right mine only has four bolts so no good to you. I was more frustrated with my self as I don't usually post on first time post's, we have a sort of unwritten rule on this site but glad you came back and proved me 100% wrong, hope you manage to find what your looking for.
  13. I'm off to meet up with Drew and the other lads in I.O.M early hours of Friday, little bit worried about having to travel on my own through Liverpool at 2am and its my Home town. Will post post some pics when we get back
  14. I might just be able to make it as I've only booked a 4 day break for me & mrs xs so I'll be back in time, just hope I've earned enough brownie points in 4 days away that she can bare to be without me for another 2, fingers crossed & everything else.
  15. (Spike) l'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens.
  16. Tommy xs

    TDM 850 /900

    Yes but they didn't do it in the company of xjr 1300s and whatever Drewpy rolls up on.
  17. F.O.H.W I should have known
  18. Tommy xs

    TDM 850 /900

    Well I have been looking at a few different bike's since the idea of Spain came up & as pilgas said prices on the TDM's seem to be going up, you could pick a decent one up for well under a grand last year now their around 60% higher in price, I think I'll be struggling to get the money together for the trip as its quite early in the year and normally takes me till begining of march to get over Christmas. But once I say I'm going, that's it I'm going but realistically I think I'll just have to stick a rack on what I've got and loose about three stone & prey the old girl holds out.
  19. Thanks Jimmy but I just stick it out to avoid an unwanted gear change mid corner
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