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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. I like helmets but I couldn't eat a whole one!
  2. For handling best stick to the standard size when you go wider it might look better but will handle worse as the wall of the tyre will have more movement
  3. Hi Nathan sent you a pm of meet place in case you're thinking of coming always good to meet new members
  4. I'll do me best to be there Drew I have to work sat but should be off sunday, should be good day
  5. Try using you're user name instead of email to log in
  6. Cosworth also worked on the xz550, maybe not such a good example
  7. So does anyone know of a decent free pic host site ?
  8. Is an option but he doesn't know the history of this motor either it could be goosed if its been run in that condition who knows what damage lies within
  9. I don't think the trx motor would fit straight in as it has almost dummy second cylinder which contains the airbox, also think the trx motor might be even harder to find. Your best option is probably a dona tdm, keep a look out for one on eBay you should pick up a project or winter hack really cheap this time of year
  10. Something to look out for Grouch, I don't know if its still the case with the newer models but most Yams have a left hand thread on one side. You'll need to check if your bike has or hasn't before you consider aftermarket's also the thread size normally 8mm or 10mm.
  11. Drain the carbs, I just run the motor till its stops with the fuel pipe disconnected. I also clean & grease the chain and spray the forks with WD40.
  12. As Cynic said first check battery then the switch again and maybe the fuses
  13. Think most of us have had days like this at some time. something when you know your better than this and still can't believe how stupid you've just been.
  14. Nice erection Grouch get on to your landlord to sort it out.
  15. Welcome back Unk, glad to see you haven't givin up on the xs, good luck with the project
  16. I agree Grouch I wouldn't try and take it down as you would have to climb up it to dismantle it and as you said it doesn't look safe, and the thought of you 30 ft in the air with tools doesn't bare thinking about, and these people who find it funny shame on you
  17. Hi & welcome to YOC bad Ignition switch is all that comes to my mind
  18. Maybe its a makeshift bike shelter ?
  19. I think this bike was at Squires 2t rally last year I remember drooling at it, really nice job. Jammie sod not only a lovely bike but still getting his leg over!
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