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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. hi nomad you will get a better response if you introduce yourself first, your in the right place, so that is a good start. just a little about your self, hi all doesn't really count good luck with the bike
  2. welcome to yoc dougie, and good luck with the bike
  3. cheers carl they look better in pics than they really are. blue one is still off road red one owned since new but was blue and will be blue again after TT in may, I'm in the process spraying it now the red is a spare tank & plastics I got off ebay.
  4. you could start a guessing game with pics like this have them all wondering what the F*#k is that off ! in fact that's a good name for the game (what the F*#k is that off !)
  5. just making sure I had it
  6. thanks for all your help guys, got there in the end
  7. one more, sorry for being such a dope give a spanner or a hammer i and i can fix it
  8. half marathon is still good it'll save me some money! as I said 50p a mile
  9. foamy start it as a new topic see what interest you get, we could even organize a meet to come and support you. Could be a good day out.
  10. <a href="http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/tommyxs/media/4e79b6b6-a035-41e0-bf14-52954e6b311c_zps0d3f47b1.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r768/tommyxs/4e79b6b6-a035-41e0-bf14-52954e6b311c_zps0d3f47b1.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 4e79b6b6-a035-41e0-bf14-52954e6b311c_zps0d3f47b1.jpg"/></a>
  11. %5BIMG%5Dhttp://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r768/tommyxs/4e79b6b6-a035-41e0-bf14-52954e6b311c_zps0d3f47b1.jpg
  12. cheer's airhead i'll try now
  13. and again http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r768/tommyxs/4e79b6b6-a035-41e0-bf14-52954e6b311c_zps0d3f47b1.jpg
  14. try again <a href="http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/tommyxs/media/4e79b6b6-a035-41e0-bf14-52954e6b311c_zps0d3f47b1.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r768/tommyxs/4e79b6b6-a035-41e0-bf14-52954e6b311c_zps0d3f47b1.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 4e79b6b6-a035-41e0-bf14-52954e6b311c_zps0d3f47b1.jpg"/></a>
  15. %5BIMG%5Dhttp://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r768/tommyxs/4e79b6b6-a035-41e0-bf14-52954e6b311c_zps0d3f47b1.jpg just thought i would try photobucket to see how it works this is a pic of my bike I took last week while waiting to meet up with drewpy on way to stafford.
  16. marathon is a brilliant idea! its only a pipedream co's you haven't committed to it yet, pick a good cause,cancer research perhaps! I'll be your first sponsor 50p per mile. I'm sure there will be others on here who will do the same it could be just that extra bit of motivation you need to reach your goal
  17. Tommy xs


    well done welshy, even if you have to wait a while for new wheels your 125 will look so much cooler without those L plate's. Should inspire a few more on here to do the same bippo your next, best of luck I know you can do it. Bring on the L plate free summer
  18. 1.5k riding it & 1k pushing it hehehe
  19. i think your right grouch, you don't know your own strength, it must be all that bike pushing you've been doing.SUPER GROUCH!!
  20. sorry foamy i forgot to say well done, good look with the efags, my brother has been on them for 8 weeks, he said they are great
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