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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. that does sound like its going to be a lot simpler than you first imagined, good luck ken, hope its something easy to fix.
  2. hey Andy you realize when lower the suspension it softens it which will alter the handling. I'm not judging how heavy you are but if I was riding a 125 I would need it on highest/ hardest setting as I'm about 14 stone if your set on lowering it, do it one notch at a time on both side's of coarse ha ha!!! and make sure it doesn't bottom out on you over the bumps or you could up riding one of these
  3. good luck with the auction grouch. Most watched item on ebay this week I bet, you'll look back and laugh about this one day, Iv'e lost a lot more than that on cars over the years.
  4. probably not the same milkman anymore. lol
  5. hey joe your in the right place! so far as I can remember the exhausts are the same, don't know about shock's, Drewpy is the guy to talk to, there's not much he doesn't know about XS's. he's off line right now but i'm sure he'll be along
  6. hi Joe welcome to yoc that's a great intro, we'll be seeing some really good photo's of your project then? good luck with it and enjoy the forum
  7. lookin good drew, don't know where you find the time between work, scouts & day to day stuff.
  8. welcome to yoc, Scott enjoy the forum
  9. hi Baily I realize your quite new to the forum, but an introduction please! a couple of line is all it takes, its considered a rude not to, if you read the heading there is a clue as to what its for. perhaps drewpy could move you to projects if you ask him nicely he is also the person you need to talk to about your xs250 if he can't help you no one can.
  10. you need to get back with rachel! she would have had you handcuffed to the bed after a night on the sauce. Now that would keep you off ebay haha
  11. Leider habe ich nicht speek Deutsch, Fehlerbericht aus Ihren Link
  12. sounds brilliant. I see your tax has run out, I hope you remembered to put it on sorn? lol
  13. think this could be your best option, if you open it up and its totally F##ked you can still go down the route of replacing motor or break it for parts, if it means as much to you as i think it does I wouldn't let it go without at least trying.
  14. just a thought! bad fuel ? maybe a of water in it
  15. didn't think Halton did co's hadn't heard of anyone doing a coase there look's like a pretty good setup they have there, not rushing you for the lift space then while your waiting for parts
  16. sorry about the punctuation on my last comment, but I was eating with my right hand & trying to type with my left. But I think you get my point.
  17. mike Iv'e seen some video on youtube showing how to do it, as I remember you make plastic template to cover fuel tap & bolt it on using the bolts from fuel tap,plug up any other hole's like breather pipe, mix sealant with hardener, poor in & swirl it round make sure the sealant you use is ethanol resistant
  18. take them back, consumer rights not fit for purpose it doesn't matter they said their not waterproof all that means is you can't submerge them in water, they have to do what their designed for which is to carry belongings safely on a motorcycle, if they leak while your bike is standing still that's not right its either bad workmanship or poor design neither of those things are down to you demand a full refund including any fitting cost
  19. well I know that know him lol
  20. woe grouch I feel for you, we all do! this site won't be the same without the XT exploits can you not get a second opinion is there no member's near you who can help, even if its just the number of another garage ?
  21. been thinking of fitting tapers to my bike as they are still the originals and i had to repack & tighten them up last year as my bike failed mot on them and this year they said their was a bit of play in them again only advisory this time, don't won't to just keep tightening them as they are over 31 years old is their a particular brand I should be looking for, for quality
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