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Tommy xs

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Everything posted by Tommy xs

  1. have you looked on youtube kev see what anyone else has fitted ?
  2. well the first one's out co's you'll need high n low beam won't you ?
  3. yes just looked that up better than on the side me thinks, also mount on the new yamaha MT 09
  4. Just in case you one of the above! I thought I'd post this here so you will see it, you know who you are, the one's who haven't found the scroll button and post everything here the one's who never seem to actually ride their bikes WELL SUMMERS HERE!! yes** its not a joke, its this weekend so get out and enjoy it there's a few members heading to squires for the weekend or just a day trip like myself. whatever your up to this weekend make the most of it and have a good one plenty of pics next week but you'll have to scroll down to find them. hehehe
  5. some pics might help martin
  6. Nice bike Juan, welcome to YOC
  7. Hi & Welcome to YOC enjoy the forums Dirk
  8. I can't hear a f#ckin thing, think its to late for me
  9. just a day trip for me see you there sat
  10. I can't get no sa tis faction but I try and I try and I Try,I CANT GET NO, no no no
  11. lol lallasro! that's ok, know one understands a word I say, cos my liverpool accent
  12. I learned to ride my first motorbike in the garden, my dad said he would teach me when he got home from work, but I couldn't wait by the time he got home i'd been round the estate (council Estate) different back then just had to strap your L plates on and away you go.
  13. sounds good to me will sort it out during the week thanks blackhat lallasro pm you aswell during week meet you there
  14. Tommy xs

    Armed police!

    you could use your original cardboard tailpiece
  15. Tommy xs


    if some one offered me a million pounds I'd consider it
  16. Hi Helena Welcome to YOC this forum is the bar,its a bit like being in your local, there is a workshop forum for questions like this, also there's a new members forum to introduce yourself ,I don't want to put you off more put you on the right track, their a great lot on here and you'll get a much better response if you do an intro, enjoy the forum give us a chance I'm sure you'll love it remember on here, the more you put in the more you get out
  17. mmm! think Neo would appreciate that
  18. Tommy xs

    S H E D S

    ahh daughters, dogs, bikes, sheds add beer & music and I'm happy
  19. looks like your getting better at making things out of cardboard Foam's
  20. mmmmmm I knew fizzie was on, as I say i'm open to suggestions! that could be an option.
  21. good luck with the project Max
  22. Its summer and other members and I are inviting anyone interested in a rideout next weekend to put your names forward and any suggestions of destination route and so on. & obviously a starting point central to where members will be coming from, any sensible suggestions (KEV) welcome. so far myself & Bippo have shown interest, I'm hoping drewpy & airhead can also make it, sat or sun to be arranged, if interested put your names up or pm me as we are all in the n/w area so far Altrincham is central for meeting place (only suggestion) I thought Southport might be a good destination anyway lets know your thoughts on it
  23. cheer's for the info drew, just 15 min ride for me will stick on my calendar
  24. I'm self employed and still feeling the pinch!! got to stay competitive haven't raised my price's in over three year's, while cost of everything has rocketed, but must admit I have it easy compared to the boys & girls in the NHS They do a brilliant job for little reward
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