First off.. Hello everyone! I am a new member just made my first post in the n00b section.
I have a lot of experience with 70's two stroke mopeds (I'm in a moped "gang") and I recently hitched to San Fran and stepped it up to a little moto that's acting like a rotten moped.
Sooo. My bike first began it's woes when it would not start up after having just ran.. after cooling off it would start right back up sometimes with a backfire.. Then the problem increased to cutting out while it was running.. Now it doesn't start at all or runs for a few minutes.. The spark seems to be the issue... The lights and horn never failed also
The points and condenser are new but I swapped the condenser for a cb honda condenser that looked super similar and still no spark.
Then I took off the stator to take a look at the power dynamo/ starter dynamo whatever you want to call it.. I cleaned it all up really good and tried to stick the sucker back on and in the process my carbon brushes got smashed and flaked off.
Is there anything else involved in the ignition other than dynamo > carbon brushes > condenser > points > ignition coil > wire+plug ?
is the battery and all that crap involved in any way that would cut out ignition?
would my test where I swapped condensers work or if it was the wrong condenser would it still not spark?
point gap is fine and if the timing were the problem wouldn't the problem have been constant?
any suggestions on replacing the carbon brushes I messed up? I was going to order some with the same dimensions intended for yamaha golf carts.
THANKS everyone.. any insight is appreciated