Everything posted by davidjlambert
Bike Cutting Out And Not Restarting
Dear Neversaydie Total fuel not universally ethanol free You might find this link of interest http://www.groups.tr-register.co.uk/wessex/ethanol-update.html
Bike Cutting Out And Not Restarting
Hi Grouch I had problems with the bike being hard to start and taking for ever to warm up and needing the choke on all the time. It was the battery being almost flat and clearly as the bike ran it was charging the battery and then seemed ok. A good charge sorted it out. Try it, it might be the problem as batteries are taking a bashing at this time of the year Cheers Dave
carb overflow hose! petrol shooting out
Dear WherEmEweeD Go onto page three of this forum to "xt 125 r petrol leak" which describes similar problems I had. I presume you removed your float bowl and assuming you didn't adjust anything then it must be a problem with the float needle valve not seating properly. Did you remove the float and needle valve? It's a pain to keep taking the carb off but from the link I mentioned you will see a recommendation for testing if the needle jet is seating with the carb in your hand. Will save a lot of time. Best of luck Dave
XT 125 X on/off road tyres
I think you'll find the x forks are longer than the r which I don't think will be a problem in terms of fouling the mudguard but will pick up the front of the bike by 50-75mm. You could reduce this by sliding the forks up through the yokes. You could fit handlebar bracket extensions which would give a bit more room. Certainly the x tryes I've seen wouldnt inspire confidence in winter conditions! Best of luck
Yamaha xt 125 wiring help !
Hi Andy Without looking at my bike, my recollection is that at the rear of the engine as you described are two plugs similar to that described. One attaches to the petrol diaphragm tap as the fuel level sensor and the other attaches to the carb as a heater. This does relate to a 2006 model, yours might be different. I wouldn't have thought either of these would be crucial to feeding power to the rest of the loom however. Best of luck Dave
Xt 125r petrol leak
Hi welshwan Yep I sorted it by bending the float lever tab and I had to do it way more than 4 times before it cured the problem. It's way different to the measurements in the Haynes manual but it runs fine. I also don't trust the tap so I fitted another in line tap down near the carb. I think what happens is the bike stops but for a short while the petrol feed doesn't immediately stop and there is a fuel line full of petrol. Then the float needle tip must be just letting by and the petrol in the pipe fills the bowl with nowhere to go but the overflow pipe. Now I turn the in line tap off before stopping the engine so there is virtually no petrol in the pipe so no overflowing. Not ideal but it seems to have cured the problem. It's a bloody dangerous problem cos if it happened in a garage with an ignition source such as a fridge, dehumidifier or even a light switch then there could be an explosion and fire. I was surprised by the amount of free petrol that came out of the overflow pipe. The oil was fuel free when I changed it so I assume the diaphragm in the tap is ok and neat fuel isn't flowing down the vacuum pipe straight into the inlet manifold. Hope you sort your problem ok. Cheers Dave
Xt 125 r to x
Thanks Welshwan
Xt 125 r to x
Is it possible to put a 125 x front wheel straight into the forks of a125 r without any other mods? Cheers Dave
Xt 125r petrol leak
Thanks chaps I think I've cracked it this morning. I just kept adjusting the float tab until the bowl stopped overflowing. Didn't think to do the dodge of testing the system with the float bowl off. Good idea for next time. As Grouch says, the tanks are plastic and the carb interior was very clean apart from some very fine debris in the bottom of the float bowl. Next job, change the oil. Be interesting to see if there is fuel contamination. Also going to drop the forks by about 30mm. The bike is new to me and not been used yet. Following on from the comments about the speedo, I intend to use silicon to seal it as it seems rain is the usual culprit? Anything else I should focus on before giving it a thrashing? Thanks again Dave
Xt 125r petrol leak
Carb off, stripped. Rebuilt, float height as per Haynes manual 18.9mm. Refitted on bike, fuel pours out of overflow although checking fuel height from drain indicated it was below the overflow pipe! Float bowl off numerous times to bend the float tab, still no good. Float needle looks fine. Got fed up and left it for tomorrow. It seems to me that I've got to adjust the float so a minimum level is achieved in float bowl which will mean the measurements will be way different to those specified. Vacuum tap works as it should. Any ideas and answers gratefully received. Cheers Dave
Xt 125r petrol leak
Thanks chaps Hopefully tomorrow may be revealing. The spares contacts proved interesting, a mere float needle comes in at £40 and starter motor £346! Hope I don't need to buy too many spares. I'd hoped others on this forum may have had the same problem but seemingly not. Cheers Dave
Xt 125r petrol leak
I'll certainly try that although I have to say I feel much more comfortable with the old style tap with on/off lever. Doesn't seem to be a way to convert easily especially as the tap is so tucked away. Incidentally where can you buy spares to the xt. I've browsed the Internet with very little success. If I need a new float needle or gaskets do you know who'd have them? Cheers Dave
Xt 125r petrol leak
Thanks Airhead I wonder if the vacuum line could be partially blocked and holds the tap on after the engine has stopped. It certainly doesn't add up. If the worst comes to the worst then I'll fit a small tap in the petrol line, not what I want to do but I need confidence that it won't happen again. It could have led to the garage burning down. My main thought is a float problem which somehow is leading to the bowl siphoning via the overflow. Doesn't make sense though. Hope to play with it tomorrow and see where we go Thanks Dave ps I've already partially stripped the bike so cannot determine where the leak was from. My guess is the overflow pipe. The tank certainly has no leaks.
Xt 125r petrol leak
Hi Following on from my previous question, the petrol smell turned overnight into rather a substantial leak fortunately I'd put a tray underneath and caught a lot of neat petrol. Good thing it wasn't parked up near an ignition source! My guess is that the float has jammed open but why would the petrol still flow when the engine has stopped. The vacuum tap seems to operate properly. With the tank off there is no flow from the tap. Any ideas gratefully received Thanks Dave
Xt 125r forks
Thanks Ryan, I'll give it a try, I don't propose a big adjustment as it is limited by the handlebars although I could fit clamp extensions if I wanted to increase the amount of fork movement. I don't think my riding style is going to severely test any quicker turning effect! Thanks Grouch, I presume the tap has a diaphragm that is opened by vacuum. When there is no vacuum, is there a spring that holds the valve shut and there should be no flow. Are they known to leak in this situation?
Xt 125r forks
Hi Just got an xt 125 and want to slightly lower the front end. Looks to me that I can just draw the fork tubes up through the top yoke by about 30mm by loosening the pinch bolts. Any problems against doing this? Also there doesn't appear to be a petrol tap as such. I assume its a diaphragm arrangement. If so do they tend to let by as it smells slightly of petrol when sitting stationary. Thanks for any advice Cheers Dave