Ideas? XJ600 Divvy, Won't roll with clutch pulled
Hiya All, So was solving the problem i last posted (wont ideal in netraul while on side stand) by putting a new engine in. Had enough of the old one, loud knocking, slipping in 6th gear, neutral problem... final straw was had to bump start it one day and i couldn't get the bike rolling with the clutch lever pulled in while in anygear... so assumed "Gotta be the cable, need to adjust it" still couldnt get it rolling anyway i adjusted it... so thought "thats it, engine is fucked, clutch is fucked, fuck it get a new engine..." next day i have a 23k engine ready to fit on sunday just gone... ALot of me "been a twat" and now i have the engine in wired up, chain on and nearly ready to go (just gotta put carb, air filter and tank back on) but had to move the bike from one garage to another... must have been in gear coz back wheel was not moving, so pulled the clutch lever and sods law wont roll... but WILL roll in nuetral... I thinking either 1: i'm a cock and havent adjusted the clutch enough (although i've worked on loads of 125s a a XT600 and never had trouble adjusting a clutch... 2: as the 23k engine has been sat in a breakers awhile things have seized up abit (need to put oil in the engine and fire it up to get it working and release the thrustplate from the flywheel) What do you guys think COULD be the problem? Cheers Fatt Patt
XJ600 running in netrual problems
Right, just a update on the problem.... I think the engine has had it... slips in 6th gear, the oil keeps coming out of the overflow so i'm gona replace the engine... it has done 80k+... But solved the problem of it not running in neutral while on the side stand... STOPPED using the side stand cause i found the CENTRE stand under a thick layer of oil/grease problem solved for now
XJ600 running in netrual problems
My XT600 was stolen from outside my house, so i brought the cheapest bike i could... Been a XJ600 from ebay 360 quid... But came to do the mirror repairs needed for a MOT and came across this problem that has thrown me completely: My XJ600 wont run in netrual if the side stand is down... Keep the clutch pulled and it'll run, let go and it stops with the stand down... Side Stand up and it'll sit in netrual no problems... The Netrual light is on in netrual and the light goes off in gear. Theres no wierd noises from the engine. I know about the kill switch on the stand, but i thought that only worked if i put her in gear... Any ideas as what the problem could be? I did drop the bike in the back of the van though while getting it home. But the front brake lever punched a hole in the van's ply lining and stopped it going over completely... any help would be great... Someone surgested it could be the clutch lever switch, when i posted in the wrong section of the forums. but havent got round to looking at that yet. Wanted to see if there were any other surgestions before i havea look sunday.
Hi All I'm new, Need Help with a XJ600S Diversion
Hi Everyone, Didnt really want to start the forum with a request for help but i'm kinda stuck on this... My XT600 was stolen from outside my house, so i brought the cheapet bike i could... Been a XJ600 from ebay 360 quid... But came to do the mirror repairs needed for a MOT and came across this problem that has thrown me completely: My XJ600 wont run in netrual if the side stand is down... Keep the clutch pulled and it'll run, let go and it stops, with the stand down... Side Stand up and it'll sit in netrual no probles... The Netrual light is on in netrual and goes off in gear. Theres no wierd noises from the engine. I know about the kill switch on the stand, but i thought that only worked if i put her in gear... Any ideas as what the problem could be? I did drop the bike in the back of the van though while getting it home. But the front brake lever punched a hole in the vans ply lining and stopped it going over completely... any help would be great
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