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  1. Anyone have any valve shims for a 5 valve genesis engine or know where I can pick up a starter kit?
  2. I just took off the radiater and cam cover, the left end intake valve was just about in the fully closed position and I can't get a 0.006 feeler gauge into it. I stuff I have seen indicates to measure the gap and then select another shim as needed. I have heard that the valve seat is what wears and in exreme cases the gap goes to zero (i.e. the valve doesn't qiute seat), and that when warn they can be even farther from seating. If this is the case how do I determine what shim size to use? The bike only has 8000 miles on it. Do I just select another shim 0.008 smaller and measure a second time? I don't want to have to buy shims twice.....
  3. I don't think that it is the choke, it seems to run slightly better with the choke partly closed. Something just isn't right, and I no longer think its the carbs. What are the symptoms of needing a valve adjust?
  4. Need4Speed posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    The bike has not been running right for some time now, I paid to have the carbs tanked and adjusted and it ran better but not right. I have also messed with them and still no better. They don't seem to respond to adjustments like they did a few years ago. Symptoms: Won't idle below 2K RPM Starts ok, might even idle for the first few minutes Won't idle after warming up Runs ok above 2K, snaps clean anywhere above 2K (not smoth like it used to) Carbs are clean (jets very clean) Used to run real strong, clean A number of years ago I balanced the carbs and idle, easy job Now doesn't run good enough, vacuum jumps all over the place Slight poping sound appears through the carbs Is this a symptom of the bike needing a valve adjust?