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  1. Ive a 1982 Yamaha XJ650, 12,000 mile std condition. Noticed this week the HT leads are arcing at low rpm. The HT cables on this bike are molded into the coils. I dont want to replace the coils or splice new HT leads or replace the lead and remold into the coil. I want to put an insulated tube over the existing HT leads to fix the problem. Anyone know where I can find this type of insulated tubing? Any other ideas welcome.
  2. Last week I bought a 1982 Yamaha XJ650 with 11,000 miles on it. No mods in good condition. Starts well, tick over fine but from 1,300 rpm to 3,000 rpm it hesitates, feels rough with very uneven power delivery. But from 3,000 rpm or so it is perfect, pulling cleanly and smoothly. Any ideas where I should start? As an older rider I like to spend a good part of my trips pottering along at up to 3,000 rpm, I'd like to do it smoother than now. Any suggestions welcome. I also posted this in the vintage section earlier.