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Everything posted by j0hn

  1. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Video Section
    This is true, it's a mistake anyone can make. However, I learned to ride first, so the lifesaver/shoulder check has sunk in well before I started learning to drive. With that, every time I change lanes or merge while driving, in addition to Mirrors-Signal-Manoeuvre, I always look across the passenger or driver side of the window. Sometimes even through the rear passenger window if the situation permits. This way, I have my blind spot covered and this process has become almost second nature to me. Yea, I try not to make a situation for the sake of it. If it's something that could have developed to a danger, I usually beep and follow that up with a disapproving hand wave and head shake . So at least they are aware that they did something wrong.
  2. j0hn posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    I noticed this car coming along my right and well before the driver indicated I had a feeling that they'll try to change lane. Assessing my current position in relation to the car, I was no doubt in their blind spot. I started to slow down assuming the worst. I'm not sure whether the driver saw me and took a chance or just didn't check their blind spot but that was some potential sideswipe material right there.
  3. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in The Bar
    Heh, I love the aggressive angular look, probably the child in me. Grouch, not sure if all naked bikes can be classed as being a target for hells angels nowadays tbh. There seems to be a variety of naked bikes that target a number of different groups. Even though I've not been on a faired/sport bike, I just love the upright position. I've just heard that it's easier on your back.
  4. j0hn replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    Looking good! Just curious, what benefits do you get from the bars?
  5. j0hn posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Think I'll be adding this bike to the top of my list. The 2014 MT-09 Street Rally looks pretty good too but I don't think I'm ready for it just yet .
  6. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Yea, been a while! I was hoping to find some good days to ride it but the weather has been horrible. Rain and wind since the last time I posted. I haven't really been out on my XT either. Managed to get my name added to my dad's car insurance policy so I've been driving around instead of riding. I actually started up the XT just there to make sure it was still in running condition, which started up fine, but the chain was getting stuck so I took it off and left it in a bowl of Paraffin. Going to put it in a tub of Putoline Chain Wax when it stops raining. The WR wouldn't start up at all, I think the battery has drained quite a bit. Currently being recharged, hopefully it wasn't neglected too long for the battery to die.
  7. Wow! That looks amazing. Which year is that model?
  8. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Not sure how spin protection on a jacket would look like but I'm going assume no since all I do is just put it on and zip up the right side. There is a kidney belt that seems to hold the jacket in place but apart from that, there isn't anything additional to stop it from spinning. I got the knee braces today! Walked around in them and it does feel pretty weird. I guess I'll get used to them heh. And yea, these boots have some weight in them, can't bend my ankle at all. I was told that to change gear, you would move the whole leg up and down rather than the ankle, at least until the ankle starts to give way a bit. Nothing special to say about the neck brace other than it fits me pretty well and I can already feel it restricting some head movements that probably shouldn't happen if I were to fall.
  9. j0hn replied to Calum122's post in a topic in Projects
    You've got balls dude! Must be a pretty great feeling to open up an engine like that and put it all back together . You going to stick a new headlight on that? I'm not really a fan of the old box style lol.
  10. I've got a few guys sub'd on YouTube. Including the ones already listed, I also have OrcaGT, Premises187, RoadcraftNottingham (makes really good instructional videos sometimes) and SupermotoHooligans. I'd say Baron Von Grumble is probably the funniest motovlogger and I just love Royal Jordanian's Husqvarna Nuda 900R.
  11. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Thanks blackhat250! Yea those boots need some getting used to, welshwan. dt502001, I wasn't sure about getting new pants because I've got some old motorcycle ones that I used when I first got my XT. It's pure black though so doesn't really look like MX pants. I'll probably end up getting an MX looking one I guess . So I had to make some tough calls today. Go with a cheap £60 Thor Force Knee Guard or look at something more up market. After hours and hours of searching for recommended knee braces and reading all the horror stories with the cheap guards and braces, I went all out and got an Asterisk Cyto Cell brace. At £398.99, it really did end up costing me a leg. For the neck brace, I settled on an EVS R4 at £92.99. The grand total for all the gear is now at £957.89. Yes, I try not to think about it .
  12. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    So I've finally made some progress. Got myself some gear ! Thor Force helmet + Goggles Chest and back protector Elbow protectors Yamaha racing off-road gloves (with knuckle protector) Yamaha racing off-road boots Fox racing motocross socks Waiting on a Thor Phase motocross jersey and still looking for a decent neck and knee brace. Not long before I'm off-roading now .
  13. j0hn replied to sparky67's post in a topic in The Bar
    Awesome choice! I've been wanting to upgrade my Contour ROAM to ROAM 2. I guess we'll be seeing a glimpse into sparky's motorcycle life soon enough .
  14. j0hn replied to sparky67's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hope I'm not too late for this. As already recommended by feliks, Contour action cameras are pretty well built. It's waterproof out of the box and can record in HD (up to 1080p). What I love about it compared to the GoPro is that it's low profile, meaning you aren't carrying around a bulky Polaroid on your head. I always wonder about the crazy wind resistance you get with GoPros. If you are going to go down the Contour route, I suggest getting the Contour Roam2 instead of Contour Plus or GPS. Mainly because the Roam is waterproof where as the others need a special casing and also the the fact that it has a better battery life.
  15. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    It's awesome! Comes with a halogen bulb and it's a lot stronger than the XT. Haven't had any issues without yet so if you're looking for something aftermarket, I'd recommend it. Thanks dude, you need to get back into this again. It's nothing but fun... most of the time .
  16. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Been a while welshwan! I'm still trying to piece together my gear so bike is yet to see the muddy stuff. Those on-off road tyres are pretty good on the road but going around roundabouts still gives me the shakes lol.
  17. j0hn replied to R1evad's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Kinda late replying to this so you'll probably have solved it already. Anyway, here is the solution for anyone else that might come across this issue. The blue mode switch you are referring to is located on the left hand side controls (indicator switch, horn etc.). It's on the back of the unit and looks something like this: If your bike doesn't have this switch then it's more than likely the unit has been replaced with a non-standard one as I'm also an owner of a 2008 XT 125 X. If you do find it then you simply hold the mode switch in and turn your ignition on, this should clear the OIL Inspection reminder.
  18. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Would be pretty cool to go out for a ride if it wasn't for that big pond! I still get shaky legs while I'm on the WR lol. Still need to get properly used to the clutch because I have times where my bad clutch precision cause the bike to jerk back and forth so I'm staying away from wheelies for now . I was wondering if this is normal but when I'm stopped in traffic and have the clutch pulled in on first gear, I get this really weird feeling that the bike is trying to fight the clutch and move forward. Just little jerks forward as if the clutch isn't fully disengaged. I've tried moving the bike in first gear while the clutch is pulled and it rolls forward and back fine. There is however a noticeable difference between moving the bike while in neutral and moving in first gear while the clutch is pulled in, latter being slightly stiffer.
  19. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Video Section
    I seem to be facing these situations quite frequently nowadays .
  20. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Video Section
    Heh, I meant that I'm better than how I started off but in no way was I implying that I have fully mastered the skill of hazard perception. In this instance, the door zone is a pretty common hazard though but I'm always learning .
  21. j0hn posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    Just over an year riding and I'm getting pretty good at looking out for these hazards .
  22. Haha wow, that was pretty well done lol. Though, the "fighting" scene was a bit off. I was like why isn't either of them throwing a punch and then came the twist !
  23. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    I still haven't been off-road. Collecting a bit of money to buy the gear at the moment. I have been using it on the road to get use to it. I still shit my pants from time to time lol. dt502001, not in 4th gear but in 3rd. Front wheel started lifting up and I was like wtf wtf lol. I hope it was just a slap on the wrist welshwan! Glad you're enjoying your bike lol .
  24. j0hn replied to pilninggas's post in a topic in Video Section
    Ha nice. Also noticed the no photo/camera sign at the gate. Was that just for the gate and the run up area or did you secretly manage to sneak your camera in ?
  25. j0hn replied to j0hn's post in a topic in Projects
    Lol, I'll probably be walking around like a penguin for a while too then. It's pretty awesome you got your son into off-roading and started him out from a young age . I've made a rough list of what I plan to get next month. Helmet There is a lot of choice here but since it's more than likely to get bashed on my first outing, I'll be looking for something around the £100 mark. Neck Brace Alpinestars Bionic Neck Brace £130. Seems to be the only one I could find with good support and a reasonable price. Body Armour Either the Alpinestars Bionic Pressure Suit to go with the neck brace for £170. Or just this general body armour for £46. Jersey Not decided yet, around £30. Trousers Not decided yet, around £40. Socks Not decided yet, around £20. Knee Brace Thor Force Knee Guards, £60. Can't really find anything to top it at that price. Boots Thor Ratchet Boots, £130. Anywhere around that price is what I'll be aiming for. Maybe I could get a decent used pair of an Alpinestars if I'm lucky. Adding all these up comes to just under £700. Might even have to span it across a couple of months unless I stick with used gear to cut the cost down.