Everything posted by j0hn
Chains not lasting
Got all the stuff . What temperature do you let the tin heat up to? It's very hard to find any information about this method of waxing your chain. Also, about cleaning your chain prior to waxing, will B&Q Bartoline Premium Paraffin do the job? I came across a thread that mentioned using paraffin that's for lamps, heaters and burners is not recommended on chains. //Edit Just wing'd it. That B&Q paraffin worked pretty well. This Putoline Chain Wax does a pretty good job, glad I gave it a try! Thanks for the suggestion .
Fake Iridium Spark Plugs
The tip (centre electrode) at the gap end is a lot smaller compared to a standard plug, in the case that they are trying to knock off a standard plug as Iridium. Apart from that, not sure how you can tell just buy looking unless it's something obvious like missing branding or placement of branding. I got mine from Halfords for £9.99, seems legit.
- Mod 1
XT 125 X front sprocket issue
Original X - Front: 14 Rear: 48 Chain: 428-128 Current X - Front: 14 Rear: 50 Chain: 428-130
- Grouched
XT 125 X front sprocket issue
Finally got it sorted. Turns out the previous owner somehow used a pre-2008 front sprocket kit which used a different sprocket holder and bolts. Ordered and fitted a matching holder and bolt set and now it's running smoothly. For any XT 125 X owners that have thought of going two teeth up on the rear sprocket, I highly recommend you do when a change is due. My XT feels a lot more responsive now and a lot faster off the lights. Top end is not affected, in fact, I'd be lying if I said it's not slightly faster - maybe it's physiological but a definite worthwhile upgrade!
useing the clutch .
Where can I get one of these men ?
- Grouched
sun is/was shining
Looks like an awesome adventure. How was it like doing it alone? I would have got pretty lonely . That being said, I don't know other bikers in real life so I don't really get the urge to just go and ride about. Wish I did though .
One of the things I fear when filtering.
Damn, stalling on a ramp sounds pretty scary. I've seen countless number of videos on YouTube where people completely flop trying to go up ramps . The shame of being stuck in the middle of two lanes while traffic on either side is either beeping or laughing past you, dread!
One of the things I fear when filtering.
Only two minutes on the road so the engine probably wasn't warm enough. Recovered in time but it's one of those things I fear. Wasn't too bad in this instance but imagine between traffic and not turning over in time. Oh the shame .
Green laning the gixxer diaries
This guy is pretty famous in the UK motorcycle vlog scene. You could basically put this down to a publicity stunt and it worked. That video raked in over 200k views and I bet a shit load of subscribers too. No doubt that more than enough money was made to cover damages from that video alone through YouTube's Partner Program/Revenue Sharing. As a bonus, he got more subscribers for a steady flow of cash from his current and future videos. If done correctly, YouTube is profitable and this guy is on the right track. Not a fool but a genius I'd say.
YBR125 2012 Chain and Sprocket
As long as the pitch and the number of links in the chain match, it should be fine. Sprockets aren't as straight forward as you need to look for ones with the correct sizing for your bike, not just the number of teeth it has.
Chains not lasting
I need to get myself one of those gas stoves and do it outside. No chance this will be happening inside lol.
Chains not lasting
Cool, so I would just heat up the tin as it is and dunk my chain into it. Say if I were to do this once a month, how many times could I reuse the tin before it needs replaced? At £25 a tin, it isn't exactly on the cheap end of the spectrum . I see what you mean about shafties, but I take it's a lot more hassle when it does need maintenance/repair in the long run?
Chains not lasting
Awesome, this makes me feel much better about settling for a standard chain. How often do you whip off your chain to do this? It sounds like a great way to keep your chain in top shape but surely taking the clip off the split link x many times isn't too good, in which case the clip is also to be replaced at some point? Could you use the "Putoline Ceramic Chain Wax" spray as an alternative, not sure if it's the same stuff as you get in that tin. Also, it's my understanding that nobody likes a shaftie .
XT 125 X front sprocket issue
Really weird, oh well, trip down to the dealer tomorrow to sort this mess out.
XT125X Charging problems
How old is the battery? I replaced the Lead-Acid battery on my XT to Motobatt AGM type a while back and even when it was new, the battery meter on the dash didn't show full bars. While not running, I have slightly more bars displayed on the meter and a slightly higher jump when running than your battery, so it might need replacing if it isn't already new (in which case it might be another issue). Also, are you using a decent charger such as an Optimate?
XT 125 X front sprocket issue
Yea, too big.
XT 125 X front sprocket issue
It seems the new front sprocket bolt holes are slightly smaller and in turn the sprocket holder doesn't exactly match up. At first I thought it was my stupid idea to use R version sprocket kit that's the problem here but turns out it's not. I looked up the Yamaha Original part numbers for the bolts and the sprocket holder for XT 125 X/R 2008 and they are exactly the same. The highlighted part numbers are the same for both X and R. The sprockets I ordered are by JT Sprockets and when I looked up the front sprocket sizing on their website, they are also exactly the same: XT 125 X 2008 and XT 125 R 2008. Now this is what I received. The new front sprocket (on top) has the same part number as the one listed on the JT site, it also fits in nicely to the drive. However, as you may or may not be able to tell from the picture below, the bolt holes for the new sprocket are slight smaller than the old (bottom) and the sprocket holder (right) doesn't align correctly with the new sprocket. Is it possible that I ended up with a defective front sprocket (if that's even possible), should I just order the Yamaha original front sprocket instead? P.S. The rear 50T R version sprocket fit nicely on to my X version. P.P.S. Too many sprockets!
Chains not lasting
Oh well, guess I'll just settle with what I have for now. Going to get my hands dirty and fit these in today.
Squeezed for more cash : (
Comprehensive? I paid for the full year with MCE. They seem pretty good, told them about my non-standard exhaust and extra annual mileage to end up only paying a couple of quid on top of my premium. To be honest, £8 extra for nil excess and 2 years protected NCB doesn't sound too bad.
Chains not lasting
Yea I use Silkolene too but recently got a can of this "White Chain Lube" which apparently is better, idk. I wasn't really sure whether I should be spraying ACF50 on the chain. Thanks for the tip! Got a call from the dealer today saying that my sprocket and chain kit had arrived. The company that dispatched the kit somehow messed up the order and sent a D.I.D. ordinary HD chain instead of the O-ring one I ordered. The guy said that the ordinary chain is pretty good but I can wait for the correct O-ring chain to be re-delivered. Me being impatient just settled for the ordinary chain (the price difference will reimbursed of course). This chain was apparently two links longer too so they were happy to remove them. I for some reason now regret sticking with the ordinary chain instead of waiting another week for an O-ring chain. Someone put my mind at rest, ordinary chains aren't that bad compared to O-ring chains, right ?
Chains not lasting
I'll be getting a new chain in a couple of days time and the dealer said they come with a split and a rivet link. Advised me that I should be better off getting it riveted but it would still be possible to run on a split link because it's such a small engine. If I do rivet it then it just means that I'd be using the chain brush to clean off any grit. Any pointers on what do with a new chain? I've read that some riders like to dunk it in engine oil or is it just as good to lubricate with chain oil?
Chains not lasting
Is it safe to run the XT on a chain with a split link or should I still be looking to get that riveted?