Everything posted by j0hn
XT 125 X blipping throttle really fast from idle causes engine to cut out
I've looked at an exploded diagram for the carburettor and the thing looks complex. Not sure if possess the level expertise to meddle with it. The Haynes manual doesn't go into much detail so I would be lost if I mess up. Just over 8k miles, it's well due a check up and clean, but as always, I start messing around something I don't know anything about and the worst case scenario always comes around . I was thinking of buying a used carburettor and learning from that first but haven't seen any yet.
XT 125 X blipping throttle really fast from idle causes engine to cut out
I was oiling my cables when I noticed that blipping the throttle really fast from idle causes engine to cut out. The cable isn't too tight or too slack but adjusting either way has no effect. If I blip the throttle slightly slower, it works fine and the engine doesn't cut out. The engine runs fine if you leave it running idle so I'm not sure what the problem might be. This could all just be me but I'm pretty sure I could blip the throttle really fast (rev bomb) and the engine wouldn't cut out like it does now. Any ideas where to start looking? //Edit: Just went out for a ride today and it didn't feel any different. I guess it was just me, blipping the throttle as fast I was doing seemed a little abnormal anyway. Would still like to know why the engine cuts out, maybe too much fuel in the mix?
new members asking questions without an introduction
I think a little message during account registration might actually help. With some coding, you could even redirect the user to the new members area, there might even be a mod available already to do this. Though, I agree with Cynic's first point about it being being a pretty good character test.
Dangerous Overtake
Yea, clarkegray. It was side mounted on my old helmet. You can turn the lens, giving you the option of having it at any angle.
Dangerous Overtake
I record in 720p so I get a bigger FOV and smaller file size, check out my channel for comparison on quality (select 720p HD ofc). I would say GoPro might be slightly better in quality but the cost of a GoPro doesn't warrant the difference, imo. The Contour also has a large selection of mounts and of course over priced like the mounts for GoPro. The standard fitting kit that comes with the Contour is perfect for a motorcyclist. Here is how I have mine attached.
Dangerous Overtake
I wish there was something more that could be done with tailgaters, I just seem so powerless in such situations. Also, not bashing on GoPros but I've got a Contour Roam and they are more discrete. The small form factor also means less wind resistance. The Contour on the left is slightly cheaper too. Here is a picture to compare both.
If Songs Were Real
Had me at Wonderwall. Also, Irish accent!
Latest Disaster
If you ever get around to doing a conversion, post up a guide on here
What's your take on filtering along the outside of stationary or slow moving traffic?
I checked out verdicts for some court cases where there had been collisions involving drivers making U-turns. In these situation, the driver was blamed 100%. Some cases had 50/50 where there might have been a possibility for the motorcyclist to avoid the collision, had he/she been travelling slower. Riders get a 80% and up blame if a collision occurs near a junctions. Even though it's not safe for drivers to pull out, motorcyclists had a higher percentage of blame because he/she should have been more aware of the dangers. If a driver in stuck traffic decides to turn right into a minor road and collides with a motorcyclist then it varies depending on whether the driver had indicated in time, if the maneuver was aggressive and the speed the motorcyclist was doing at the time, on average it's also a 50/50 blame. //Edit: To summarise, the main reason for riders getting part or full blame was due to excessive speed.
Latest Disaster
Is engine oil the best to use when lubing your cables? I'm seeing a mix of products that people use (WD40, GT58 etc.) but not really sure which is better.
Latest Disaster
Have you been oiling your cables? I just ordered one of these to oil my cables.
What's your take on filtering along the outside of stationary or slow moving traffic?
Yea, I guess she would have probably stayed where she was if I hadn't. Point taken. I didn't notice at the time but damn that was pretty close. I was actually slightly concerned about the legalities of such filtering or as DirtyDT stated, overtaking probably fits better. So, if I'm thinking right, there is no law that says you can't do it but if something were to happen then it would be classed as dangerous driving or is the whole thing classed as dangerous driving in which case, if I spot a copper, I should try and get back in asap without being seen? .
What's your take on filtering along the outside of stationary or slow moving traffic?
cade, that sounds pretty bad. I don't know what urges humans to act that way, there is just no need for it .
What's your take on filtering along the outside of stationary or slow moving traffic?
Damn, I kinda brick it when I see an oncoming vehicle. Mainly because I don't know how they would react since there aren't a lot of riders around here so they wouldn't be used to something like that. Yea AndrewElvisFan, loving that two wheel advantage .
What's your take on filtering along the outside of stationary or slow moving traffic?
I don't usually get the opportunity to filter this way but when I did, it pissed off some woman which caused her to carry out a punishment undertake on to a bus lane in operation. I left a big enough gap between me and her so I'm not really sure what the issue was. Maybe she just disliked the fact that I came in from the opposite lane - which I could tell by her hand actions seen on my mirror. I know the risks involved so I should be moving slower to react. Also looking out for junctions on either side of the road and moving back in time before you get to them. Keeping an eye out for drivers thinking of doing an impatient U-turn, pedestrians crossing the road between cars and mainly, watching the road ahead to judge your distance from vehicles coming towards you. I think it's an automatic 50% minimum blame on my part when there is a collision while filtering so all this would have to be done at the right time with due care and attention. I've not had any hate while splitting lanes so this struck me by surprise. What's the general feeling about this type of filtering? Would you be inclined to filter this way, should the opportunity arise?
Brake first, beep later.
Wow, never heard of them. Just watched a few clips on YouTube where people are using them, pretty loud and road legal too . I need to look into getting one for mine, the stock is pitiful.
Brake first, beep later.
I don't get a lot of close calls, generally people seems to ride drive better around here than some of the places you guys are in.
Brake first, beep later.
I felt the front lock up for about half a second so had to do some manual ABS to come to a staggering stop. I don't have the balls to go and "have a word", yet .
XT 125 R owners, what's your top speed?
Hah, you see that graph, I was pretty close . Not sure if R has a higher top speed, they are the same engine.
You can't make this shit up!
You would be making a massive loss if you do sell it though. What you have to consider and what many have said is that your bike is more or less brand new since most of the parts have been replaced. Sooner or later, you're going to get to a point where there would be no reason for your bike to break down (touch wood), just need to get through this spill of bad luck I guess. I'm also curious to know what actually went wrong this time and why you made the decision to take it straight to the garage instead of a diagnosis on this forum. Going to have to side with jimmy here and say that getting a two stroke might not be a good idea at this point. If you're have trouble taking care of your own, chances are you'll go through a lot more pain, suffering and money.
My new Acerbis Active Dual Sport helmet and camera setup
I was using a full-face helmet (Duchinni D839) before, Grouch. I did end up fighting the wind a few times with this new helmet though. Thanks Airhead, I wouldn't buy a helmet without a built in sun visor. I noticed I've been getting more attention during my rides. Might be down to the camera being more visible now and everybody wants to get in the shot lol .
My new Acerbis Active Dual Sport helmet and camera setup
Oh it's amazing how much more I can see with this dual sport helmet compared to my previous.
My new Acerbis Active Dual Sport helmet and camera setup
Good advice but these use 3M adhesive pads (manufacture supplied) and is the same type supplied by all the major companies such as GoPro and Drift. No doubt these companies and in particular 3M would be subject to law suits if they are supplying products to the end user that haven't been through rigorous safety testing and extensive research and development. If you are talking about the average super glue then yea, you'd be doing something wrong there.
My new Acerbis Active Dual Sport helmet and camera setup
Got the Acerbis Active Dual Sport yesterday for £124.99. Had to find a new place to mount the camera because the elongated chin took over most of the left side. New placement on top seems much better, was waiting for the mount to dry in and going to give it a test today . The helmet also comes with a nice interior sun visor!