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Everything posted by j0hn

  1. j0hn

    New Bike :D

    The pros for this bike seems to outweigh the cons but from my previous experiences, I'm not really a fan. My training was on the 2011 YBRs and I found them to be a bit light weight. So you'd be constantly fighting the wind on a pretty windy day. I'm about 5'6 and it feels slightly lower than I would like it to be. The XT I currently ride is slightly heavier, feels like I have more control and higher off the ground. I think the engines are the same so can't really compare performance. £500 seems like a great price for a 11 plate, a bit too great so make sure you aren't diving into something sketchy
  2. Ahh! That makes sense, thanks for clearing that up for me, yea I'll just wait for that stupid photo tax I think that's the new category for mopeds which replaced p.
  3. Sorry, I should have mentioned. Passed my restricted motorcycle test (limited to 33bhp for 2 years) back in October last year and car licence about 2 weeks ago. The entitlements on my plastic seems to be correct, it's just on the paper counterpart I have A under provisional entitlements. I'm wondering if that's a mistake since the plastic has the right dates under the A section.
  4. I recently passed my driving test and I received my counterpart and license with category B embedded. However, looking at the Provisional entitlements section on the counterpart I see that I have category A listed. Could this be some sort of mistake? The actual licence seems to be correct where it lists the dates for category AM, A (=<25K), B and fkpq. Anyone with a motorcycle and car licence willing to check if this is the case for them too, thanks
  5. Ha, it was either that or "shaft" . Spent a while trying to figure out what to call it and finally settled for "axle". Note taken, "spindle" .
  6. I've got that guy sub'd. I get depressed every time he uploads a new video.
  7. Even though the truck tyre (4th) won, the Bulldozer tyre (6th) is the winner in my books for just completely destroying the obstacles in its path.
  8. It's pretty hard to pass the buck on this one. Yes, he shouldn't have really cut you up but if I was in that situation, being a courteous rider, I would have let him slip in. His lane change wasn't aggressive which leads me to think that he was fully aware that you were there and was probably expecting you to let him through. I believe we sometimes bring danger upon ourselves and situations as such could be avoided with a little courtesy.
  9. Yea, this was the only thing that I changed prior to bike not starting up. I still believe the 55W was just too high for the battery or the condition it was in, that's not to say the battery was old, maybe a few months tops. Replaced to stock 35W and no problems. Taking the whole wisdom of the crowd approach, you are likely to hit £500. If I were to get quoted such an absurd amount, I wouldn't even think of letting them play with it. No doubt the rip off factor is exponential with that amount of work to be done. I guess I can see where you are coming from when it comes to DIY. The fear of starting to fix something on your own and you end up making a bigger mess of it costing you more than what it would have been to get it fixed at the garage. Sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith and go for it. Yes there is a possible worse outcome but with the wealth of knowledge online and specially on this forum, you should be thinking more positively. Time is also a big constraint and I would be a hypocrite to say there is no way you don't have enough "free time". Like you said, sometimes you just want to come home and relax and not worry about starting something big, I'm pretty much the same. I was quoted £140 to supply and fit heated grips and recently saved around £70 - £100 changing the rear brake pads. These prices may not seem much to some people but it was enough for me to make some free time. I ended up doing both myself (with help from my dad) and both at night. It was a nightmare to get the grips fitted, had spent a good few hours and somehow managed to snap the little brake light switch (for the front brake) so I ended up standing for about an hour holding on to the switch while the super glue dried in - it's now replaced with a brand new one of course. Didn't get to bed until 2-3am that day but it was worth the hassle and I would do it all over again to save that £140 and to gain that bit of knowledge. Sometimes working on something alone can be daunting and I really appreciate my dad for staying up late helping me get my bike sorted. It might be a little less stressful to get a (competent) friend or family member around when you attempt to DIY. tl;dr Got motivated enough to DIY, lots of hassle but worth every minute of it and cash still in pocket.
  10. ExiledBacchus, what insurance company you with? Ha, that's awesome. No one could challenge you Yea, I'm with MCE. They don't seem too harsh with their policy, but I'd better check just in-case.
  11. Ye, I'm pretty impressed with that too. Caught a glimpse of the mechanism (shadow) for it around 1:11.
  12. Heh, ye, my horn action skill gets pretty good training from time to time I can make out SY11 FXN, not sure if it's right though. I should really start shouting out the number plate next time so it's easier. Every so often when I'm riding, I have a quick glance in the mirror just to check what's behind me and how close. This driver seems to be in my blind spot at the time or else I would have moved over to the left slightly.
  13. Totally agree with your last statement. Most driving instructors don't really cover checking for blind spots when changing lanes, only when moving off. I was told off when I (instinctively) looked out the driver window before I committed to change lane and was told to use my mirrors instead. Generally looking out for motorcyclists and cyclists isn't as enforced as I'd like it to be. Something the DSA should look into. That's another good point. You are cutting down any credible reason for anyone to pull a SMIDSY. And as Cynic touched on, any claim is only going to be in your favour (given the circumstances) as you have tried your best to prevent yourself from becoming a hazard. On this forum? I always check for duplicates before I post threads and didn't come across any similar. Possible that I may have not hit the right keywords during my search.
  14. To be honest, I won't be surprised if that were to happen. Insurance companies are always looking for new ways to empty your pockets .
  15. Came across this the other day. Nice little video. Track is from The Motorcycle Diaries. I've yet to watch it
  16. That video is a link from YouTube. I think I need a louder horn, preferably with an EMP device built in.
  17. I don't want the government to enforce something like wearing a Hi-Vis but it would be an interesting statistic to look into. Then give the rider the choice on how that would effect his or her attitude. Logically, it would be a lie to say that a Hi-Vis makes no difference at night for a rider in all black gear, that being said, it's really down to the observer and how observant they are. //Edit: Yea, what Grouch said.
  18. slice, the messed up thing is, the driver didn't even exit the next junction! I have no idea what he was thinking at the time.
  19. Surely there is a statistical way to find out if a Hi-Vis does in fact make difference by comparing all RTC' involving motorcyclists and whether the rider at the time was wearing a Hi-Vis. IMO, the government should look into spending money for things like this.
  20. Lucky you DirtyDT No doubt the price jump for a new rider would sky rocket when you mention the actual mileage.
  21. Granted it does look ridiculous, it's probably a lot safer for riders wearing all black riding at night.
  22. Did you tell them a legitimate estimate and if you have happened to go above your initial estimate, have you called to let them know? How big was the premium increase with respect to mileage increase? I recently read that the mileage is one of the first things an underwriter checks before accepting a claim.
  23. I've never really gave much thought to wearing a Hi-Vis before but things have kinda changed and I've realised that it's not easy for a biker on the road. If people don't see me in daylight, what chance is there at night? So I've decided to wear a Hi-Vis while riding during night time. Do any riders here wear a Hi-Vis and did it make any difference?
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